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"No, it's my turn now."

Scott had been waiting his go for three people now and he was sick of it. He slumped back down and crossed his arms in front of his chest, to show everyone just how annoyed he was, as Jake asked Austin "truth or dare".

"Truth," Austin said finally.

Scott zoned out after that, not interested in the slightest in what Austin had to say, or what the question even was in the first place. He had a plan set up for when it was his turn and he needed it to hurry up. Mostly because he was just a little impatient but also because he was one of the unlucky few who had an earlier curfew than everyone else. He only had thirty minutes left to put his plan into action and he refused to leave here until it was his turn. Facing his mother's wrath when he would eventually get home would be worth it if he got to kiss Mitch Grassi.

"Do you remember the plan?" Scott whispered conspiratorially to Kirstie who was sitting criss cross applesauce beside him.

"Of course. It's hardly mission impossible, Scott," Kirstie sighed, trying to put her focus back on the game in front of her.

"I just want to be sure. This is my big shot and I don't want you to ruin it."

Kirstie laughed loudly as her eyes rolled back. "All I need to do is ask you 'truth or dare', you'll say 'dare' and then I'll dare you to kiss Mitch. Simple."

Scott glanced around the room quickly, making sure no one was paying attention to the pair talking in hushed voices in the corner.

"Would you keep it down? I don't need the entire room knowing I have a crush on Mitch," Scott scolded, his face flushing at even just the thought of Mitch himself overhearing his plan.

"Oh please, the entire school already knows you have a crush on Mitch," Kirstie scoffed. "Hell, Mitch himself probably knows at this point. You're not exactly subtle, Scotty."

Scott would be offended at Kirstie's statement if he didn't know just how true it was. He had had the biggest crush on Mitch all year and many people had commented on his "heart-eyes" and "raging boner" whenever the younger boy was about.

"Okay, who's next?"

"ME!" Scott jumped up, perhaps too eagerly than would be expected, but he wasn't about to lose out on his turn yet again.

"Wow, okay. I guess Scott is next," Jake said slowly. "Truth or dare?"

Scott's eyes flickered back to Kirstie pointedly, urging her to speak up and get the ball rolling.

Kirstie sighed but tugged Scott's arm until he was sitting next to her again. "I've got this one, Jake. Okay, Scotty boy. Truth or dare?"

Scott hummed and hawed for a moment, because he was an actor, before saying "dare" with a wide grin.

"I dare you..." Everyone edged closer, eager to find out what outrageous and scandalous task Scott would have to do. "I dare you to kiss Mitch."

There were gasps and excited "ooh's" from all the teens gathered but all of Scott's attention was on the brunette on the couch who sat up abruptly at the mention of his name, colour slowly rising to his cheeks.

Scott wasted no time in crossing the room in three long strides, plonking himself down next to Mitch and turning to face him with a wide smile. Mitch still looked to be in shock, and honestly, Scott wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. He didn't want to kiss Mitch if he was going to be so against it. It was a dare but he still wanted Mitch to actually enjoy it, at least a little.

"Is that okay?" Scott asked, suddenly unsure of himself and his great plan.

Mitch simply nodded with his deep brown eyes wide. Scott finally understood the look. Mitch was nervous but he definitely wanted this.

Scott closed the gap between them, trying his best to contain his giddiness. Mitch's lips pressed firmly against his for no more than three seconds before the brunette was pulling back and covering his smiling mouth with a sweater covered hand. Scott beamed as he watched Mitch duck his head and his blush deepen. The plan was a success.


The only upside to having parents who cared way too much about his whereabouts was that Mitch's parents were exactly the same and the two of them had similar curfew times. Scott saw his opportunity and snatched it with two hands when he saw Mitch heading for the door. Mitch's house wasn't technically on his way home, but only he had to know that.

"Can I ask you something?" Mitch asked as the walked down the deserted street. Their hands bumped together occasionally and it made Scott's stomach flutter.

"Is this like a truth?"

"I guess it is," Mitch giggled. Scott had never heard a sound so beautiful.

"Okay, shoot," he agreed.

Mitch didn't speak for a moment as though trying to decide whether or not he really wanted to ask.

"Did you want to kiss me?" he whispered eventually. Scott strained to hear him over the one car that decided to race past them at that exact moment.


Scott heard Mitch suck in a breath before nodding, "yes, please."

"A hundred percent," Scott answered honestly without even so much as a second thought. "I would've done it even if it wasn't a dare. I mean, if you wanted to that is. If not, that's cool too."


Scott turned his head to look down at Mitch catching the tiniest hint of a smile stretching across Mitch's face.

Scott was feeling brave. "So is it my turn?"

"If you want."

"Did you want to kiss me?" he repeated the same question back to Mitch.

Mitch lifted his head to meet Scott's gaze. "A hundred percent," he echoed with a delicate smile.

Scott noticed that they were both now stopped at the end of a driveway, presumably Mitch's, and were facing each other with the same sappy expression.

"I have a dare for you now," Mitch spoke softly, his eyes sparkling under the streetlight. "I dare you to kiss me."

Scott grinned. "I told you, I'd kiss you even if it wasn't a dare."

"Okay then, just kiss me."

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