Chapter Fifteen

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*Be rich at heart ,that's the ultimate wealth*

What I feel right now can't be described with words because words will never do justice to It. Never in a million years will it ever strike me that Taseer is the romantic type and it took every ounce of self control that I have not to tell him how much I love him, not just him but the world at large and everyone who cares to listen. Yah Rabbi, make him mine forever and never let anything separate us .

I bath to wash away the stress from the date ,reminiscing on the sweet moments shared with Noory before I went down to meet the whole family watching TV .I greeted them all with Ammy giving me a gleeful smile while Hajia gave me teasing looks. I gave them what we bought for them and went to work in the kitchen ,I wanted to make something for Taseer and opted for homemade snacks instead of packaged ones.
I made two dozens of cupcakes and was in the process of making a dough for chin chin unaware of what's happening around me when warm hands gripped my waist .I don't need to turn to know that it's my husband from the scent of his perfume.
" What is Hayatee doing here all alone ?"he asked huskily and I smiled
" She's trying to perform her duties " I turned to look him in the eye .
" At this hour of the night ? " he stretched to pick one of the cupcakes from the package and I held his hands .
" Not so fast Mr , it's not meant for you" I said glaring playfully at him while he looked at me amused by my action .His facial expression softened .
" Thank you Sultanah ,for taking the trouble, you have no idea how much this sweet considerate gesture means to me " he said picking a cup on the counter and filling it with chilled water from the fridge .
" Thought you have already gone to bed " I stated turning my attention to the dough I was making .
" Nope I packed ,prayed and rest a little, I would've come earlier but I wanted to let you rest not knowing that you are here stressing my wife for me " He pouted and I shook my head at him .
He helped with the cutting while I fried it and before long we were done .I packaged them all and wrapped them in a cute gift bag.
"What will you like to have for breakfast? " I asked .
" You " he answered absently and I gasp in horror .
" That's not cool and you won't have your way vampire " I teased and he shook his head at me fidgeting with his fingers .
I dragged him to the living room which is now empty cuz it's late and the oldies had called it a day .
" I am kind of hungry wifey " he said stretching on the couch . I went to the kitchen and brought him a plate of fried rice with peppered chicken and a cup of lemon juice .He dived in almost immediately .
" You're really a glutton "
" No I am not "
" Yes you're "
" No I am not "
" Yes you're " Just then I yawned and he turned his attention to me .
" Ahh the sleeping beauty is tired come let me tuck you in " he said forgetting about his unfinished food .
" No, I want to spend more time with you " I whined and he smiled. He finished his food held my hands and instead of walking towards my room he gently stirred me outside .I didn't know where he was taking me and didn't ask because I trust him and I know that he won't hurt me .
He asked me to wait outside as he went to his room coming out with a large mat. He spread it and motioned for me to lie down beside him .We lay there star gazing and it was the best feeling ever ,I marveled at the beautiful and flawless creation of Allah ,thanking Him over and over again for giving me someone who makes me appreciate the little things in life that actually really matters .
" Whenever I am sad ,I use to do this right from when I was 12 years old " He offered that piece of information entwining our hands while I used my free hand to play with his perfect curls .
" I've never done this before, and what makes you sad Taseer ? " I inquired, he was quite for a long time before he finally sighed and said " I am sad because I am leaving you behind wifey ,I am sad because I will be miserable over there thinking of what you're doing ,what you're wearing ,whether you've eaten or not ,and knowing that it won't be easy for me to be away from my new bride who hasn't even been taken to her new home breaks my heart ,it makes me feel like I've not done right by you " will this man ever stop making me feel like am the luckiest person alive ?
" What you're going to do there is for your benefit Taseer, and you're going away from me not because you want to but because you have to ,have faith in Allah and the fact that everything happens for a reason ",I put his hand on my chest to hear the rapid beating of my heart . We star gazed for a while longer not saying anything just enjoying each others warmth before Taseer finally broke the peaceful silence.
" have you seen the moon and the brightest star?" I nodded .
" The star is you and I am the moon , we light up each others world don't we?" I couldn't agree more .
He brought out yet another bracelet and strapped it on my wrist ,it's so cute with rosy designs and stones " I have had enough gifts that will last me a life time hubby,but thank you ,its beautiful mashaa Allah " I said admiring the gift that I will treasure till the day I breath my last .
" Anything for my Queen " we bade each other goodnight albeit reluctantly neither wanting to let the other go .

I over slept again the next morning ,it was Ammy that woke me up ." Is that how I trained you Manal ? Your husband is leaving today and you don't have the courtesy to make him breakfast huh ?" She sounded pissed.
" I am sorry Ammy ,I overslept but let me come down and make something sharp sharp " I said sprinting off to the bathroom.
I made our favorite pancake with a cup of hot chocalate and fried chips with sauce. I hurriedly took a 3 minute bath ,spritz all the perfumes I can lay my hands on and wore a simple A shaped gown ,complimenting it with a simple make up and a small veil .I arranged everything on a big tray and went to his room. As I was about to knock he came out looking as hot as ever ,even hotter than the breakfast I just made. He looked happy to see me and motioned me inside ,I hesitated a bit because it was my first time in his room before I finished contemplating he already dragged me inside locking the door behind us .
"Good morning Taseer " I greeted dropping the tray on a reading table .The room looked sparkling clean and I smiled knowing that I won't have a problem with my husband when it comes to neatness.
"Good morning Hayatee , the way you pamper me , is that an attempt to make me stay ? Cuz honestly it's working " he said trying to adjust his tie .I got up from my sitting position and adjusted it for him " Dan qauye ,you don't even know how to tie it properly " I teased and he shrugged ." your Dan qauye " he retorted and I smiled before serving us in the same plate ,we ate in silence and he thanked me for the food , saying it is super delicious and he will miss me badly . That brought tears to my eyes ,it has just been 3 days after our wedding and this man right here sitting beside me had made me do things and feel things I won't have done or feel in 3 years ,Taseer is an Angel sent to human beings and I am thankful to be his better half for better and for worse.
"Shhh please don't cry ,I don't want to see you wasting your precious tears, do you want me to cry too ?" He crouched down in front of me wiping away my tears with his thumbs and kissing my eye lids. How can he expect me to keep quite when he treats me with so much kindness ,who will fill his space when he's gone ,I will be miserable from today till the day he comes back that's for sure . He got up and engulfed me in a hug which made me cry harder on his shirt ,ruining his shirt which he don't seem to mind ,he kept rocking us back and forth ,whispering words of comfort ,telling me how much he is going to miss me until his alarm blared indicating it's time to go .
" Manal khaleed ,take care of yourself for me till I come back ,I will send something for your upkeep till I come back in shaa Allah " he said packing the plates. " You don't need to ,I am okay here and I won't need anything in shaa Allah, Abby is here I will ask him if I need anything " I felt somehow that he is even thinking of such ." Nah you're my responsibility now ,it is your right and I have to do it " he insisted.
I went out to bring the things I've packaged for him ,Ammy gave me something too and he came in a while later bidding Abby , Ammy and Hajia goodbye while they all prayed for him wishing him success. I wanted to follow him to the airport and see him off but he said I should stay back home ,cuz it's far and he don't want me to come back with just the driver ,Ameer was already outside waiting for him. Seeing that no one is in the living room ,they all left he hugged me one last time kissing my forehead " Goodbye Hayatee pray for me "
" May Allah be with you and guide you through ,may He keep you safe for me and may you succeed in all your endeavours, Safe flight Taseer Allah dawo dakai lafiya " I prayed and he closed his eyes as if in pain when he said the words that changed my life forever .
" I love you so much Manal ,I've loved you way before you were betrothed to me ,my heart is yours from now till forever never forget that I love you " he didn't wait for my reply because I was stupefied like a statue or the fact that he is dreading my reply ,before I came back to my senses Ameer's car had already zoomed out of the house . It's official I am a goner for my beloved husband .


Short chappie again but it's better than keeping you guys waiting , I will take a 2-3 days break in shaa Allah .Remain pure and heartily blessed my people .
See you when next you see me
Xoxo- Aishatu.

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