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He wakes up in his own room, disoriented. Taemi is sleeping peacefully next to him.

Slowly the memories come back, Taehyung and the man in the basement, the blood and then... He groans, covers his eyes embarrassed.

Jeongguk knows he had enjoyed it, even begged for him to continue, but the fucker had never finished it so it was indeed a punishment. His pants still feel tight, maybe it wasn't that long since he's back and his body still needs a release.

The Omega gets up as silently as possible and enters the bathroom, locking the door afterwards. It's hard not to think of the Alpha when he strokes his cock and it's hard to keep his name inside his mouth when he comes soon after. What the hell is wrong with him? Jeongguk dislikes the other so much, Taehyung shouldn't be on his mind when he pleasures himself.

Jeongguk doesn't have time to think further about it, because the pup calls for him, at least she has a good timing. When he was done cleaning his hands and the wall, the Omega inhales deeply, brings a smile to his face and leaves the bathroom. "Cupcake, you're awake."

They eat breakfast and play a little with her toys. It's afternoon when suddenly the door bell rings. Jeongguk hopes that it's not his neighbor, actually prays that it isn't him.

To his luck it's Yoongi, his best friend and also an Omega. "Hey Hyung, come in."

The older knows about Taemi, wasn't really happy about Jeongguk's choice to keep her, instead of giving the pup to an orphanage, but he knows better than to interfere with the younger wolf's business.

"Hey Guk, how's she?" Yoongi sits down and waits for the water Jeongguk is bringing him.

"She's fine, do you wanna meet her? I always tell Taemi that she needs to hide in the bedroom when someone is at the door, unfortunately it doesn't always work." Jeongguk chuckles while walking to the room.

"Baby girl we have a visitor, say hi to uncle Yoongi." The small pup is clinging to his legs and peeks through them, Yoongi waves his fingers with a cute smile.

Jeongguk places his hand on her shoulder and brings her forth, with a tiny push from him she slowly walks over to Yoongi and shyly looks to the ground. "Hi, I'm Taemi." Then she runs back to her appa and wants to be carried.

Yoongi coos, his eyes lighting up and he grins, showing his perfect gummy smile. He must admit that she's fucking adorable and can understand why the other doesn't want to give her away.

He watches Jeongguk placing a kiss on the girl's forehead and whisper something to her, then she goes back into the room.

"So, what's your plan now? You told me that you think she's your neighbour's child, right?" Yoongi takes a sip of his water and waits for his friend to sit down too.

"Yeah, I'm not sure though that's why I need you. The laboratory you work for, they do those blood tests or what it's called, to figure out who's the father, am I right?" Jeongguk is fidgeting with his fingers, nervous that the other is going to call him crazy for wanting to check it.

"That's right. Give me a hair with roots from Taemi and something with your neighbour's DNA on it and I can run a test. It will take a bit, but the results are legit."

Jeongguk gets up, fetches the hair brush from the bathroom and gives it to the older. "Please choose one, tell me what I need to look for on a hair, so I won't make a mistake with Taehyung's."

Yoongi inspects them and nods. "This one, can you see the lighter part at the end? It's the root. Make sure you get this kind from him. How are you planning to do it?"

"I'll wait until he leaves his house, today is Wednesday so he must leave in around uh" He looks to the clock on the wall. "ten minutes."

"Allright, I'll watch after Taemi and you go. If someone asks, I was never a part of this. I love my job and don't wanna lose it because of you." His gaze is sharp and Jeongguk knows that he's serious.

"Of course, it's all on me." He gets up and walks to the back entrance. The sound of the garage opening can be heard so he waits until the car leaves.

Jeongguk nods to Yoongi, opening his door, a hairpin already in his shaking hand, just in case if he has to pick the lock.

His heart is beating fast, knows that Taehyung isn't home, but it doesn't make it less dangerous and nerve-wracking. The Omega closes his eyes, inhaling shakily.

With a long exhale he pushes the door handle of Taehyung's back door down and it opens with a click sound. Why the fuck is this Alpha so careless, he wonders. At the same time he's glad that he is.

It's easy to find the bathroom, their houses are kind of similar, expect from the interior. The hair brush is full of the other's blonde hair, so he takes at least ten strands, just enough so it won't attract attention and then hurriedly leaves the house.

Taemi is sitting on Yoongi's lap, playing with his face. "Kitty, pretty eyes." She squeals and the man has to hold her hands down or else she'd poke her tiny fingers into his eye again.

"I'm not a kitty, Mi. I'm a big wolf, Jeongguk is a bunny but don't tell him I've told you that." He smirks, doesn't see the younger entering.

"I see how it is Yoonkitty." Jeongguk raises an eyebrow and comes closer.

"Bunny Appa!" Taemi jumps down from her uncle's legs and hugs Jeongguk's instead. "Missed you."

Jeongguk gives the hairs to Yoongi, who makes a disgusted face but takes them to put the strands into a small neutral specimen bag he somehow always carries with him.

The younger pulls Taemi up, rests her on his hip while the short legs and arms are hooked around his body like a koala. He follows Yoongi to the front door and they bid goodbye.

Two weeks went by and the results are with 99,99999% unequivocally, Taehyung is indeed Taemi's biological father. Even though Jeongguk knew it already, it's still a little shocking. First of all, why did he abandon his pup? Could it be that he didn't know about the pregnancy?

It doesn't matter, what matters is that Jeongguk has to stay away from his neighbor, because it's not safe to be around him.

Taehyung is still doing his things, even if it's noisy, the Omega ignores it. Yes he's a curious person, but the pup is more important.

✔ Vengeance // BTS Taekook 18+ Where stories live. Discover now