As the Rain Comes Down

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             I was cold, standing outside of the library doors, soaking in the rain. When I stood at the foot of the steps, sponging up the chilling water around me, I started to worry that mom had forgotten about me. My brother was home sick, and I expected that my mother would forget about me with all the commotion. After all Ariel always made everything into more than it was.

           Again I stood in the rain, plagued with paranoia and expecting the worst. The only sign of life was the occasional car splashing through the scenic street. For what seemed like hours I stood in the rain that steadily dropped faster and heavier, waiting for something important to happen. Maybe a flash flood, or a unicorn apocalypse, or something equally catastrophic.

          I stood there, waiting, until my nose was stinging from brisk watery gusts and dripping with snot. I waited patiently in place until my sopping cloths chafed my tired thighs when I shifted on my sore legs. My mind was failing to come up with any excuse to stay and wait for my mom, whose memory wasn't something to bet on.

        Concluding that my mother had forgotten about me, which I'm sure wasn't a first, I decided to go home. I remembered the times my mom had taken my brother and I to the park behind our school. The library was across the street from the elementary school, and the back roads seemed the safest at that moment.

         My trek wasn't long, and it was extremely simple. When I got to the door of our house my father was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his heaving chest. His face twisted into an ogre like scowl. The moment his darkened eyes met with my own, I felt shame sweep across my face.


            "-am! Liam!"

            Startled, I looked up at the two boys that pulled me from my memories. I glowered at them for scaring me.

             "What is it?" I personally persist that I did not say this crossly, though some might dispute this claim if they had heard my tone.

             "No need to be antsy Liam," Jimi teased," we were just wondering if you knew what time it is." The brunette smirked with satisfaction when I stared uncomprehendingly up at him. "Thought so."

             Just then Kasey spoke up from his side. "Don't be cruel Jimi, he was just having another one of his mental get-a ways."

              I can't tell whether he is defending me or insulting me. Before I could speak my mind on the matter I realize just how quiet the classroom is. Taking a quick look around I notice that my friends and I are the only ones present in the room.

           "Where is everyone?" I asked dumbly.

           Jimi's eyes lit up and a shit eating grin dominated his tan features. "Oh so you finally noticed~" he drawled, leaning over my desk and into personal territory.

           Putting my hands up defensively I verbalized my discomfort. "Dude... back away."

          He leaned away, glowering. Kasey snickered at his sore defeat.

          I looked at my phone and noticed that school ended nearly a full hour earlier. Groaning I slump in my chair and died a little on the inside.

         "What the heck were you shits up to that was so important you 'forgot' to mention the end of school?!"

          Kasey's face lit up in multiple shade of red for whatever reason and Jimi scoffed at the question.

          "What do you think?" he inquired with a wink.

            I sneered at the gesture. "Gross."


            After finally leaving the school building and with that my friends, I began the short journey home. While walking the barren streets I listed off the things that I usually didn't see.


           Children in costumes.


           Pumpkin dog.

          Candy wrappers.

          Children and parents in odd attires.

           Candy corn trail...? I wonder where that leads.

           Acting on impulse, I follow the trail of the tricolored candy, some smashed into the concrete and grass, others perfectly whole. For at least three minutes I followed this odd sugary route when it came to a sudden stop. For a moment I stood dumbfounded by the source of the path.

          Eddie Gore, the school jockey slash all-time asshole, was situated at my final destination. In his hands a, presumably stolen, trick or treat bag. Stricken with remorse I turned heel and ran back the way I came, praying to any and every God that Eddie was too busy to notice me.

           I didn't stop until I reached my rented apartment. Hands on my knees I heaved in much needed air. Crouching at the border of my doorway, gathering from recently acquired facts, just what day it was.

          Candy corn, trick or treating bags, the large amount of children and parents in ridiculous outfits, the copious quantities of candy and general untidiness, yards strewn with toilet paper, candy wrappers, decorative ornaments and lively disorder of large masses of people going door to door.

          I felt all the blood drain from my body. Halloween. Today is Halloween! Adjusting myself quickly, I fumble with the door and rush inside.


         After locking the door and barricading myself in my room, I send a harsh text to Jimi.

         'you dick. Why didn't you tell me what day it was?!'

          After a short while he texted back.

          'I just sort of expected you to know.'

          I glare at my phone and ignore him for the rest of the night.


So this concludes chapter one. I hope you like it. have a wonderfully awesome day. Please comment and review. If there are any mistakes I would like to know, and I will fix them. If there is anything you don't understand, I will clarify it in the next chapters.

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