Debut (Rewritten)

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(A/N at the bottom)

Nhooph Al-Areebi, aka Aliyah, was walking backstage trying to find her friend and fellow wrestler Gionna Daddio, aka Liv Morgan. She checked the women's locker room, catering, make-up but she still couldn't find her. She gave up and decided to walk back to catering. She walked into catering and sat down next to Adrienne Reese, aka Ember Moon.

Nhooph: "Hey Adrienne, do you know where Gionna is?"

Adrienne didn't acknowledge Nhooph.

Nhooph repeated herself with a wave of her hand in front of her friend's face: "Adrienne?"

Adrienne still didn't acknowledge her.

Nhooph finally just shouted at her: "Adrienne!"

Adrienne jumped out of her trance and looked at Adrienne with a glare that could petrify anyone.

Adrienne: "What the hell Nhooph?"

Nhooph: "I was calling your name. It was like you couldn't even hear me."

Adrienne flushed with embarrassment.

Adrienne: "Alright, my bad. What do you need?"

Nhooph: "I was wondering if you knew Liv was?

Adrienne: "Did you check gorilla?"

Nhooph just stared off into the distance, then suddenly smacked herself in the forehead. Adrienne started laughing at the realization that Nhooph didn't check there.

Nhooph: "Shut up, what I want to know is what got drifting off into space?"

Adrienne hooked her finger under Nhooph's chin and turned her head over to a table with one man at it with his feet kicked up on it. He had his jacket and mask on the table. He had both arms fully tattooed with black wrist tape on both wrists, long blonde hair reaching to his armpits with sideburns and a goat patch, a black and white bandana wrapped around his forehead. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a red pentagram with the word "Devil" on top of it. He was wearing dark camp pants with a belt with a long strap coming out of the buckle, black boots with a black knee brace on his right knee. The darkness around his eyes seemed natural, not don't with makeup or anything else.

Nhooph: "...oh."

Adrienne: "Yeah."

Adrienne and Nhooph then heard Liv's theme. They looked over to the TV to see Liv walking out for her match with Billie Kay.

Liv was doing her typical entrance but when she was on the ramp, she was attacked from behind by Nikki Cross.

Adrienne: "And she won't get her match." She said as she shook her head.

She noticed as of the corner of her eye the mysterious man was being led out of catering by a backstage worker. She focused back on the TV in which she saw Nikki push Liv back into the ring. The beatdown continued for about 10 more seconds before the lights at Full Sail got incredibly darker as "Coming Undone" by Korn started playing(1). All of the Sanity members turned towards the stage as the same mysterious man holding a bat walked out and the word "Havoc" with the words "The Devil" above it formed onscreen(2). The crowd proceeded to lose their minds now-named Havoc turned towards the ramp as a spotlight hit him. The blue eyes heavily glaring down Sanity as he walked down the ramp twirling the bat in his hand. Havoc kept his eyes on Sanity; specifically, Eric Young. As he walked up the steel steps and stood on the apron, Eric Young motioned the rest of Sanity to exit the ring before he does himself. Havoc's eyes followed Sanity as he gets into the ring and slowly walks over to Liv Morgan. Before a single word could be udder, Havoc whipped back around as Sanity slid back into the ring. Havoc swung the bat into Eric Young's knee, sending the leader to the mat. He thrust the knob of the bat into Killian Dain's stomach, hitting him back out of the ring. He swung the bat into Wolfe's stomach, then across his back. He noticed Nikki charging at him, but Liv speared her down to the ground. Havoc picked up Eric and lifted him onto his shoulders; Eric facing up. Havoc flipped him over and drove his head into the mat(3). Havoc did a kick up as the beaten Sanity pulled Eric out of the ring. Havoc picked up his bat and pointed his bat at Sanity; specifically at Eric Young. He kept his eyes on Sanity as they retreated backstage. Once they were gone; he turned his gaze on the crowd. He walked on circles around the ring as the crowd did a slow chant of "Devil". He turned around and got out of the ring and walked up the ramp with the bat resting on his shoulder. He stopped on the stage and winked at Liv Morgan; then walked backstage.

Jeremy: "Damnit Bran! Did you have to hit me in the knee?"

Brandon "Bran" Havocstone started to laugh as Jeremy Fritz; aka Eric Young was limping up to him. Bran pulled his mask off and cover his mouth, trying to stop his laughter.

Bran: "Dude, I swear I wasn't aiming for your knee. I just swung the bat back and it got you in the knee. Dude, I'm sorry."

Jeremy shoved Bran and started to laugh as Paul Levesque, aka Triple H, walked up to Bran.

Paul: "Hey kid, glad to hear that reaction. Let's us know we made the right decision on signing you."

Bran: "It lets you know it was a good idea to listen to me."

Paul: "Don't push it." Paul said as he pointed his finger at Bran.

Bran put his hands up in mock surrender. Brandon put his mask back on him and Paul took the infamous "Triple H pointing" photo with Brandon pointing his bat at Paul. Although he couldn't help but look at the blonde wrestler walking past.

About 32 seconds into the song is the start of his theme.

In the way, Finn Balor's name did when he debuted in NXT.

The name is "Havoc Driver" and it's a burning hammer but instead of driving the head into the mat, one arm is hooked for a DDT landing.

(A/N) It's been a long time. I had lost complete interest in writing throughout the entirety of 2019. Now with everything going on, I suddenly have a lot of free time. I was reading Livin' Large to get a feel on how to take this story but quickly realized that not only does it need to rewrite, it needs to be fixed of a lot of cringe stuff and a lot of incorrect stuff. So I will be rewriting every chapter and adding chapters into the story to help with pacing. Characters will be rewritten, there will actually be a flow through the madness.

See you in the near future


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