Bonus Chapter- Déjà Vécu

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This is a bonus chapter to thank all of you who voted for me. Again, thank you guys so much! (⺣◡⺣)♡ I really hope you enjoy this.


Sehun blinked a few times trying to open his eyes as he laid on his couch. He could hear the low murmur of the television still on next to him, and the sound helped wake him up. He fidgeted slightly, but his movement was restricted, due to the small person laying on top of him.

His eyes suddenly widened in a panic, and his brain snapped into full consciousness as he raised his arm to check the time on his watch. 3:32 am.

"Baek, Baek wake up!" Sehun quietly shouted as he lightly shook his tiny boyfriend.

"Mmm..." Baekhyun moaned as he slowly opened his eyes, "...What is it Sehun?"

"We fell asleep, I should have brought you home hours ago!"

"What time is it?"

"Three thirty in the morning."

Baekhyun lazily smiled and snuggled onto his boyfriends chest, "Relax, my family doesn't care. In fact they expect stuff like this to happen."

"No no, come on get up. I'm taking you home."

"They know we're soulmates. I'm telling you, they won't be mad."

"Baek, please just get up."

Baekhyun sat up and sighed, reaching into his jean pocket, "Really Sehun, it's fine. Look my parents even bought me this."

Sehun's eyes almost shot out if his head as Baekhyun held up a condom in his small hands.

"I think you need a bigger size though..." Baekhyun spoke quietly as he examined the packaging.

Sehun quickly reached for Baekhyun's hand and lowered it, taking a deep breath before speaking urgently to him, "We are not doing that until..." He suddenly paused, staring blankly for a moment, "...Wait...How do you know I'd need a bigger size?"

"Oh, I never told you huh?"

"Told me what?" Sehun asked nervously.

"In one of my visions about you, we were having sex. I could feel you inside me."

Sehun's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and his mouth gaped open in shock, "...You...You..."

Baekhyun giggled at his shy older boyfriend, "Yeah, you kinda already took my virginity. It was when we were in my room together before we started playing video games."

Sehun could feel his face burning as he stared at Baekhyun, he was at a complete loss for words.

"Are you clean?" Baekhyun asked without even a hitch in his voice, "Do we even need a condom?"

Sehun brought his hand to his face to cover his eyes, "...I told you, I've been trying my best to stay in the closet. I never tried to risk having a boyfriend before. Besides, I'm too shy...I wouldn't even approach someone if I liked them..."

Baekhyun bit on his lip, his smile growing large as he spoke, "So you're a virgin?"

Sehun sighed, his face turning slightly red, "...Yes."

Baekhyun smirked happily and laid back down on top of him, snuggling against him again, "Ok, so no condom then."

Sehun couldn't believe how nonchalant Baekhyun acted about everything. He was completely unfazed discussing these kind of embarrassing topics with him, Sehun sometimes felt like he was the younger of the two. In a way (Due to his previous ability) Baekhyun was in fact slightly more experienced than Sehun with relationships, especially considering his brief exposure to sex.

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