Chapter 1; The Deal

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"How is he just so irritating?" Somi is used to Daehwi going on and on about how he hates Jinyoung with "every fiber of my being" as he likes to say it. She doesn't know if he knows that he's always so petty but she's starting to get tired of it.

"So…" she starts not sure how to word it. "You don't like him, like… at all?" She gets a nod in return. I doubt it, She thinks to herself.

"Oh! Have you done the-" Daehwi stops when he sees the really tall, skinny, but not enough to be lanky, Bae Jinyoung. "I'll be back."

Jinyoung was minding his business like usual. All he wanted was some lunch. He didn't even see Daehwi walk up infront of him (but that's self explanatory). "Woahh~ Jinyoung have you gotten taller?"

"Um- Ow! What the absolute fuck?" Daehwi kicks Jinyoung on the back of kneecaps to shrink him down to his level.

"Now that I have your attention." He pushes down on Jinyoung's shoulders to keep him on the ground. "I wanted to ask you a question."

"If it's about your homework then no." He tries to get up but his shoulders are still being held down. *Wow, is this how Daehwi feels when he has to look up at me?*

"Unfortunately it's not," Daehwi clenched his teeth. "Let's go on a date."


Jihoon has been friends with Daehwi and Jinyoung for practically forever. Well, it's been about 3 years so for Jihoon that feels like forever. He's never seen them get along ever in the three years of knowing them. Why is it so hard for the both of them?

"I'm not gonna ask you guys again," Jihoon starts off calmly and Daehwi already knows where he's going with this. He rolls his eyes. "Why can't you and him get along. It's not like he's your ex or some shit."

Daehwi breathes in sharply through his nose. "If there was a reason I would tell you, Jihoon you know that."

"Anyways, I feel like I still need clarification." Jihoon has that evil look on his face. "If you guys can hate each other for no reason, I shall force you guys to make up, or make out. Doesn't matter which."

Daehwi shivers. "Ew! Make out with Baejin? How about something elel?"

"Well I was gonna say become his boyfriend but that involves making out so…" He sighs overdramatically making Jihoon get to the point.

"Okay!" He claps. "How about you guys go on a date. That's not entirely being his boyfriend."

"Okay but what do I get out of this?"

"Oh. I haven't thought about that. But does it matter? I just want my two good friends to be good friends, too." Daehwi glares at him. He's not doing this if Jihoon's going to joke. "I'll buy you lunch for 3 days?"


"50 dollars?"



"Unfortunately it's not," Daehwi clenched his teeth. "Let's go on a date."

Jinyoung coughs violently. To which he earns a slap from Daehwi. "Stop being so dramatic! Am I really that bad to you?"

Yes, is Jinyoung's first thought. After seeing the babyish pout on Daehwi's face, he thinks that that's not the answer he wants to hear. He settles for silence because any answer would have made this awkward conversation into an extremely dramatic one, and he doesn't have time for that. It's not that he doesn't like Daehwi, it's just that he and the latter have a "dark" past together

"Ugh," Daehwi knew exactly what he was getting himself into with this "bet" and now he wants out. As soon as Jinyoung's made a decision, it is never going to change because he's so stubborn. "Listen, you and I both know why we don't want to but in order to make our friend Jihoon happy, at least pretend to get along?"

"And lying to our friend is better?" Jinyoung just has to say that. He's making this way harder than it has to be.

"Okay, you have a better idea?" Daehwi stands impatiently, letting go of Jinyoung's shoulders, finally letting him stand up. Jinyoung completely ignores that question just trying to get away from Daehwi and this conversation. Daehwi takes a few seconds to register what's happening but by the time he turns around Jinyoung's gone.


"What's Jinyoung's number?" Daehwi asks Jihoon. If Daehwi's going to win this bet, he's going to have to be persuasive. He's been told that he has good manipulation skills but Jinyoung has never been effected by them somehow.

"Gimme your phone." They sit in a confortable silence as they hear the noise from Daehwi's phone as Jihoon types. His heart starts to feel weird. He's nervous. He hasn't actually thought of what to say to Jinyoung. Maybe he shouldn't over think this but he can't help it. It's dificult to try and force someone as stubborn as a bull to go a date with someone they strongly dislike.

"Daehwi?" He snaps out of his thoughts as Jihoon hands his phone back. Looking at the contact, he scoffs. Future Boyfriend ;). He hates that he doesn't feel obligated to change it.

He doesn't know what his fingers are doing but they start texting

From: Daehwi

You didn't answer my question

Jinyoung feels a vibration from his pocket and decides to ignore it. Whoever it is can wait.

Daehwi slouches in his spot on the couch. He didn't get a text back. Who in their right mind would answer an unknown number?, Daehwi thinks to himself. He tries to justify his heart pounding so hard he hears it in his ears. He chuckles bittersweetly. Reminds him of old times.


Daehwi finally gets a text back.

To: Daehwi

delete my number
i know that its you Lee Daehwi
i dont know what youre trying to do
but please
delete my number

This was something he definitely expected. Okay Jihoon. You proposed a challenge and now I will complete it.


This was really short because I just want to get a feel for it first. I hope you guys like it because I'm not exactly sure where im going with this.

-Briana 💞💞

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