Chapter 2

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I was still very much naked so once we stepped out into the chilly air I instantly wrapped my arms around my body the best way that I could trying to conduct some type of warmth by rubbing the palms of my hands up and down my shivering arms. I guess I wasn't walking fast enough for the cloaked man cause he yanked at the leash almost making me tumble but I quickly caught my balanced and caught up to him standing behind him. We paused in front of this long old fashioned limo I looked at it in complete awe since it looked so authentic. "Get in,kitties sit on the ground.Understand?" I snapped out of my fixation nodding my head quickly, "Y-yes Sir." This seemed to please him cause he let out that melting chuckle. "Go ahead get in." with that I climbed in and he followed behind me slamming the door causing me to flinch lightly. I couldn't really move anywhere due to the fact the leash wasn't very long so I sat by the large polished shoes that belong to my owner, hands placed in my lap.

We've been driving for a while, I've kept myself entertained by playing with the edges of my bonnet or silently playing with SamDean. He was looking through a file I wonder what it was, maybe it was information about me. Taking one of my braids between his long strong fingers he spoke,"Kitty, how long have you had your braids in for?" A look of confusion crossed my face for a second cause I was shocked that he might know something about black hair. Looking back at him I noticed a look of annoyance and quickly answered him."Only 2 weeks, I usually can keep these in for a good 2 months with proper care Sir." I answered looking back into my lap resuming playing with stuffed animal. "Hmm, I'll make sure you'll have the proper hair care items then Kitty." I hummed my approve with a soft yawn, soon his hand started to play with my braids and making me lean my head on his leg. "Take a nap, I'll wake you once we are home." I didn't waste any time closing my eyes and trying to get much needed rest.

I was woken up by soothing cooing in my ear, peeling my sleepy eyes open I looked up into his breathtaking ones finally getting a good look at him since he no longer was wearing the cloak. I couldn't take my eyes away from him, taking in each delicate placed ink that seemed to cover his skin from the neck down. "That's enough Kitty, were home now. I'll grant you permission to drool over me later." There was a hint of teasing in the tone of his voice making my face feel hot with embracement. I look into my lap pulling my full bottom lip into mouth following him once he got out the car, leash clasped back onto my collar but I didn't really mind. I looked at the place he called home and it wasn't anything I'd ever seen before, he lived in what seemed to be a castle.

 I looked at the place he called home and it wasn't anything I'd ever seen before, he lived in what seemed to be a castle

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Going inside it was just as beautiful as the inside, and I wondered if he did it himself. Following closing up against him since he wrapped the leash around his hand it shortened the length, we stopped in what I assume to be the living room. He sat down on a beautiful leather couch after looking me up and down he patted his leg, tilting my head I didn't really understand until he yanked me closer by my leash causing a small breath to leave my lips,something he enjoyed and sat my bottom down onto his knee so I was practically in his lap. I have never been this close to someone in this way, I felt so exposed quickly trying to cover my body with my long braids. I don't think he liked that by the way his eyes narrowed in on them, a clenched jaw showing his dislike of my movements.

"Kitty." I didn't answer him, I looked away nervous while his hands moved away from my leash and wrapped themselves around my hips. "Kitty." This time more firmer and followed by a squeeze making me yelp and look at him with shy eyes opening my mouth not finding the words to speak. "You will not cover up what now belongs to me, do you understand?" Nodding my head just earned me another tight squeeze on my hip. "Yes Sir, I understand." I did my best not to stutter or slur my words looking down into my lap. He lifted me out of his lap and placed me on the floor by his feet,"Stay." Unhooking the leash from my collar he got up and walked away from me. I took this time too look around the room and adjusting myself on the floor so I was more comfortable on my knees. Whoever decorated his home did an amazing job, I bet he hired someone to do it I wouldn't really be surprised. I was starting to get bored waiting for him to come back, man I wished I had SamDean with me but I think I left him back inside the car.

It felt like forever but he came back, I was still so sleepy from my nap I just wanted to sleep. Rubbing away the sleep from my eyes and letting out a small yawn I smiled and welcomed him back which earned me a nice warm pat on my head. Standing in front of me he handed me a pair a sweats and what I'm assuming to be one of his tshirts. I didn't care I just wanted to put them on so I wasn't naked. Quickly I slipped everything on and resumed my spot on the floor, looking up at him he seemed so pleased with my behavior. I didn't even notice he had SamDean until he showed me the stuffed kitten giving him to me. "Next time you leave this in the car you won't be getting it back, understood?" He seemed serious, clutching the stuffed thing to my chest I quickly nodded my head to let him know I understood. "Use your words," gruff and stern he spoke down to me." Yes, I understand." I watched as he sat on the couch once more his fingers finding their way to my braids pulling on them one by one. We sat in silence, complete silence not muttering a single word just him playing in my hair yet, I didn't mind cause he was being so gently and soft I couldn't help but to let out a small yawn.
"You can't sleep yet Kitty, we gotta go over some basics.Then in the morning we will draw up a contract."I turned myself on the floor so I was looking up at him and ready to pay attention. "For now you will address me by Master, no ifs no butts." He was watching my face to see if I had any other reaction than a soft nod of my head. "When you are in little spac-" he was cut off by my gasp how could he possibly know that I looked down into my lap embarrassed. "-little space you may call me Daddy, okay? I know little girls like you need someone to take care of you. Right little girl?" I was astonished by how quick his tone changed into a playful almost teasing matter while I flushed and stammered over my words to answer him. The room filled with his rich smooth laugh a strong pat landed on my head." I will get you dressed every morning, I will bathe you, I will feed you. You won't do any of these things unless I'm somehow busy and can't do them for you. You listen too me, only me. Do we have an understanding Amandla?" He looked me right into my eyes taking my breath away, I squeaked out a yes master. He sat down on the couch running his fingers through my braids causing me to relax against his leg, while doing my best to listen he went over all my rules and told me if needed he will add more according to my behavior."Tell me your rules, after you repeat them we will go to our room." I nodded my head started to repeat them all. "Master will bathe me, pick out my clothes, feed me. He will do all these things cause I'm just a baby kitty and can't take care of myself. I will write in my diary every morning and before I go to sleep in order to express my feelings, master will only read it if he feels like I am not telling him how I feel truthfully. I will tell Master when I am unhappy or feeling distressed. I will always sit at Master's feet unless told different by him. I will not remove my collar-the collar master will give me in the morning to let people know who's pet I am." Yawning I rubbed at my eyes and did my best not slur the rest of my rules but I guess he noticed I couldn't keep my eyes open for much longer because he scooped me up into his arms letting me wrap around him as he took me somewhere, I'm assuming it's to our room cause before I knew it I was tucked away into warm and my bonnet was placed on my head. "Sweet dreams kitty."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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