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It's always been you and it's gone stay about you
- Unknown

| Omniscient |
May 8 , 2015
3:00 PM

Angelo shot the last ball in , winning Miko the Winnie The Pooh bear she wanted. " You short as hell baby girl " he laughs as she carries her prize " So leave me alone " she says sticking her tongue out at him " I gotta question " " Shoot" She says " How much is a full set and pedicure , I'm tryna have my moms and my aunts looking right for Mother's Day " " well I do a Mother's Day special every year, correction I do a special for mothers every month its my way of giving back to mothers who have sacrificed so much , its free of charge " she says smiling.

Ever since she started to doing nails she had always made sure the local moms in the neighborhood would get whatever they wanted once a month because she watched her mother struggle with a miscarriage when she was 16 and it broke her heart to see her favorite person hurting , it took a toll on her father as well but they remained strong for each other. So she decided that Mother's Day wasn't the only day she would do her magic , her Mother's Day special includes:

Full set


Eyebrow Threading

Any Type Of Wax

Hair and Makeup

" That's why you been busy all week ?" He asks " Yea and I'm tired to be honest but I'll be able to do them tomorrow just bring them by my house " Miko says " Who helps you with all of this " Zyla or Bella But It's Zyla this time since she does hair and makeup oh and what type of alcohol does your mom and aunts like because it'll be an open bar with a bartender ?" " Damn you go all out huh ?" He asks with a smile " Yea " she smiles back

The way she smiled at him , his heart skipped a beat . He had never met a women with ambition and confidence like hers besides his own mother, that made him want her more then he already does. Angelo promised to fuck her mind before her body and he plans to keep that promise.

" They like all types of alcohol " he laughs " Okay - Oooo let's get on " She says pointing at the spaceship " I use to love getting on these ! " " All the spinnin don't make you dizzy ?" He asks " Fuck no " she laughs " Aight let's get on " " You know what never mind " she said freezing in her spot " What's wrong ?" He asks " That's my dad but the woman he's with ain't my mama , hold this for a second "

Miko seethed as she seen them kiss , it was as if something in her snapped " Who are you and why the fuck you kissing my dad he fuckin married and where the fuck is your ring?!" " Trell what is she talking about ?" The woman asks " Miko " he says sighing " Nah fuck you Trell ! " she says taking her phone out " Don't even move I'm telling mama about this shit right the fuck now !"

" Calm down baby girl " Angelo says trying to soothe her " Mama !" She yells in the phone " What child ?" " Where did daddy tell you he was ?" She asks " At work why ?" " Because he's standing right here in front me with some woman who's not you ! " Mila took the phone away from her ears as if she heard wrong , hitting FaceTime she had to see if it's true " Tell my mama ya name lady " Miko says

" No need too I know exactly who she is " Mila says " How is your daughter Ms.Lacy " That's your wife ?! You told me she was your sister " Lacy shouts " I'm sooo sorry I didn't know I thought he was single " she broke down crying " Lacy comes to see me every two weeks with her daughter Naomi who's 8 months pregnant " Mila says " When you get home your stuff will be on the front porch don't bother trying to come in because this is the last time I forgive you for this " she hung up

Trell just stood there , he had cheated on her before but that was when they were in their 20's , he never thought he would go back down that road again but here he is with another woman and worst of all his daughter seen it with her own eyes. " I hope your happy dad !" Miko says with tears coming down her cheeks

" Come on let's go " Angelo says grabbing her hand , how is she suppose to trust him now that she's seen her own father cheat on her mother , if he had to wait a million and one days just for her he would. " hey we don't have to go to dinner later tonight I'll cook for you instead " " Okay " she says barely above a whisper.

Miko had been texting her brother since she got off the phone with her mother and Troy was past mad , he knew his father had fucked up in the past but he didn't think he would throw away his marriage by continuing to fuck up , he looked up to his pops but after this , he couldn't fuck with him no more especially not when he needs relationship advice.

" I still got surprise for you later on , hopefully it will cheer you up " " Yea I hope so too " " Whatchu want a eat ?" He asks " spaghetti " she says " Is that all?" " Your famous chicken salad would be nice too " she smiled " there goes that smile I love so much " he says caressing her cheek.

5:18 PM

Angelo bobbed his head to Affirmative Action while he cooked , ever since they got back to his house Miko had smoked 4 blunts back to back , he didn't mind because if he was in her shoes he would want her do to the same thing he's doing for her. This made him wonder if his father ever cheated on his mom or vice versa , he never understood why people decided to cheat on their spouse , if your not happy then leave but don't emotionally scar the other person because you couldn't be grown about your shit.

" You almost finished ?" Miko asks " Yea just waiting on the noodles " " I should have never smoked that many blunts " she laughed " Yo ass high as shit huh " he asks sarcastically " shut up " she laughs " Can you tell me what the surprise is ?" " Nah you literally have to see it but I promise you gone like it " he says with smile " If it ain't dick I don't want it " Angelo arched his left brow " Oh yea ?" and she busted out laughing " I'm kidding "

" When the time is right I promise you gone never gone want another nigga to fuck you how ima do you baby girl " " That's cute and all but can you eat pussy ?" She asks leaning on the counter , he smirks at her and sticks his tongue out flicking it at her " it's not this long for no reason ,but the real question is can you suck dick since you worried about me eating pussy " " let's just say if I like my surprise then you'll see if I can suck dick sir " " Bet , dinner ready so eat up " " It looks soo good" she says biting her lip .

" You serious about yo food huh ?" He says laughing " Hell Yea ! Especially when I ain't gotta cook it " she put a fork full of spaghetti in her mouth " Fuck " she moaned " really " he asks laughing " man fuck you okay I can't help it , yo spaghetti just so damn good " she moaned again

God Save Me

Angelo said in his head , he was 3 seconds away from tonguing her down if she moaned again and he wasn't talking about the lips on her face either. " You done ?" He asks laughing " Yea I'm good now " she says smiling " Thank you for earlier " " What I tell you about thanking me ? You good baby girl that's what I'm here for "

8:00 PM

Angelo tied a silk scarf around her eyes before they left his house , he didn't want her seeing the surprise yet . Angelo, Zach and few others had put in overtime at the salon he wanted everything to be perfect for her. " Are we almost there yet ? " she huffs " No now hush and enjoy the ride " he says laughing at her " Ughh fine !" " Chill we almost there"

They hummed along to Breakin' My Heart by Mint Condition as Angelo drove them to their destination , Miko couldn't wait to get out the car , it seems like they have been driving for hours in her mind. " We're here " He says parking the car " Finally !"

Angelo rushed over to her side , opening the door for her " Be careful " he says helping her out the car " You ready to see it ? " " yes ! " she shouts in excitement " Look " he says taking the blind fold off

Soul Sistas Nail Bar

V O T E | C O M M E N T

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