Chapter 1: Princess

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(Y/N)- your name

(y/fv/f )- your fav food

(y/b/st)- your birthstone

That's what I've got so far...


Being a demon isn't so bad; having unimaginable powers, incredible strength, power to read minds, everything about being a demon is so great! So admirable, so powerful, and at the same time so beautifully evil...

However, the problem is...

I'm not just any demon...

I am the offspring of Darkiplier and Peevils, the rulers of the demon realm. I know. What's even crazier is not only am I a princess but I also have a twin brother named Dark (heheh... dad wanted a Jr. so here's Darkiplier Jr.). Dark and I were inseparable... sure, we always pull on pranks around the castle but we're born at merely the same time with the same mother which makes us siblings which creates an unbreakable bond between us. However, because of our birth, Mommy Peevils was at her weakest state and died after I came out. I could still feel her presence, cuz basically she's within me and Dark already. I had a perfect life as some of my friends say it. I have my own room, a sweet borfer, a loving brother, and a protective father. Well, I'M FREAKING TIRED OF BEING A PRINCESS... That's the only thing I can say about my life.

I wake up, as always, in my king sized bed with ruby red sheets, lying my head on the silver headrest. My room was merely all ruby or blood red, black and grey...almost all of the furniture in my room were made of silver. It was amazing as my room is only one of the few things I love about being a future ruler not a princess. Well, this day could not get any worse... It was me and Dark's birthday. It saddens me a bit, thinking that our birthday is also Mom's death anniversary, but I'm happy to be here with dad and Dark by my side. I zoned out a little but then someone came knocking to our door, one of our servants, and my personal maid Kathryn. She was a sweet demon. My dad hired her for me since she was my mom's friend.

*sigh*"Come in"

"Oh good morning your highness"

I like Kathryn a lot, she was always there for me when Dark and dad weren't around, but the very first words I hear when I wake up was getting on my nerves. I'm just glad I'm patient enough to handle Kathryn. She served me breakfast, my favorite (y/fv/f). While I was eating, she rummaged through my closet and pulled out a black long- sleeved dress that just went below my knees. I was able to walk with ease with this dress, it was my personal favorite dress, but I hate my life... I mean, every day, you have servants running through halls. Every day, you have to wear a dress that is too floofy to even walk on. I only wore pants when me , Dark, and dad would have hunting sessions twice weekly. Every day, you have to waste time giving orders or just sitting in a throne room... This dress was the only thing I can move freely in. It's my birthday after all, I had to be comfortable in some way. Me and Dark are turning 18 human years this year, 4500 demon years actually 😂😂😂 After breakfast, I took a bath, then wore the dress that Kathryn prepared for me. She told me to immediately go to the throne room cuz probably dad was waiting for me. Well... Happy Birthday to me.

I started sliding down the railings of our grand staircase while thinking of what nickname will dad give me for this day. Dad always calls me names: darkie, sweet demon, cherry, (Y/N-baby), sweetheart... and the worst nickname... "Princess..." ughh, I hate being called princess... surely, he calls me that occasionally or when he is either super happy... or just wants me and Dark here to run some errands. "Yeah dad?"-"How bout you and your brother go to the garden and... I don't know, pick blackberries or anything. I just need this castle to be empty for a while for cleaning. Be back two hours before midnight." I nodded and started running but before I got to race upstairs, "And (Y/N-baby) please check on your brother, I haven't seen him this morning, he usually goes first before you and I'm surprised you showed up first before him, so check on him okay?" I shrugged, and nodded... so I flew to Dark's door. I rolled my eyes thinking that my brother could always outrank me, but what can I do? He's my brother so I should support him. I zoned out for about 20 seconds before I started to knock on his door.

"Hey douchey you in there?!" I said knocking hardly at his door. Yeah I call him douchey when I feel like it. Do not judge me, it's how I go. After a mere five seconds there's still no answer and his door is locked... Maybe he's still asleep? Nonesense, he always wakes up two or three hours before I do, as dad always said. Either way, I was getting impatient cuz I know he's gonna be in big trouble. Yes, of course he's my brother so I should be concerned as well.

"Hey Dark? Bro? Darkie?Darkiplier Jr. Fischbach open this door right now!!!" I was starting to get impatient.

"Calm down (Y/N) Fischbach it's hard to unlock the door!" I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic tone. 'That's it, I'm going in'. As I pushed the doors with my unimaginable strength, both doors flung open. As the smoke cleared, no one was in the room. "Dark?" I muttered. I searched his bathroom, nothing... the changing room? Nope... 'Oh god Dark this better be another prank of yours'. I was finished scanning his whole room and I lastly looked on his bed. I saw a small box, and a small note.

❤️For my one and only most favorite demon in the whole demon realm

Awww... that's so sweet of him.. 'Wait, does he have a girlfriend already?! Oh no dad's gonna be dead when he finds out about this' I held a smirk. I opened the box and it appeared to be a triple locket. It was shaped like a silver heart with a (y/b/st) in the middle. I opened the locket and saw Dark's portraits and me on either side. 'Oh I am so dead I just ruined his surprise for me' I stood with my eyes in shock while looking at the center of the locket.

❤️Siblings, forever and always

That was written in the middle of the locket. I blushed (surely I did) and I was close to tears... until that douche screamed behind me...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N) MY LITTLE STUMP! " I suddenly had a heart attack as I jumped onto the bed, looking like a scared little bat. "And no, I don't have a girlfriend princess," He continued

"GAHD DARK DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT AND IF YOU CALL ME PRINCESS ONCE AGAIN I WILL SMITE YOU!" I screamed at Dark then afterwards hugging him tightly. He was the best brother a demon could wish for. But after we pulled over, I had a worried look on my face. "What's wrong?" Dark asked me when he saw my worried look. " Oh it's nothing... it's just... I forgottogetyouanythingforourbirthday" I said quickly, but automatically he understood what I just said. "Hey, it's okay... you already gave me the best gift I could ever ask for"-"What was that I gave you?" I was surprised and curiosity hit me at the same time. He chuckled, then laughed maniacally. "You and you falling for one of the best birthday pranks I have ever planned!" He said as he was laughing and running out of breath.

"Well, I can't lie, I fell for it. Anyways, dad wants us out of the palace now. He might be planning for something for this day. He told me to tell you to go out of the garden and do things to let him think that we can be distracted. You know dad, he doesn't like his work being intervened with." I told Dark so we can get this over with. Before going out, I let Dark help me wear the locket that he gave around my neck. Afterwards, we raced each other to the middle of the garden maze. The rule was we were going to run through but once Dark started to fly, I went flying, pushing each other to the side. This about to be the best birthday ever.

In the Eyes of a Demon (A Septiceye X Reader Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now