chapter four

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hey guys, this is my first ever story/ fanfic and would love if you gave me feedback, so

COMMENT | FAN | VOTE thankyou!


Grace found herself walking back towards the club. Mind numb from the phone call she just got off from. How can something change so quickly? No. How can someone not be a part of your life for your seventeen years of existence, then think they can fit themselves nicely into the slot, which is your life? No way. Uh-uh. She was having none of it.

Yet she couldn't shake the dark cloud mist through her mind; a familiar occurrence whenever her father was brought up. "That dick-head."

Looking up in front of her, she looked at the short distance left towards the club. The line at the entrance as long as it was when she had first arrived. Big strong bouncers dressed darkly checking out for any suspicious people, pushing them back and shoving them away.

Her life felt a lot like that. Distant, cold.

As though just as she reaches the front of the line, when she's at a place where she can finally be happy- a dark persistence comes and pushes you away, derailing you from your goals, happiness.

Not wanting to be around a crowd, she walked around the club and found the back entrance. Leaning herself against the wall, close to the door. Closing her eyes, she let the conversation wash over her again.

"Darling, your father called."

I stilled. The breath leaving my lungs; escaping.

"What does he want?" Venom saturating my words.

"Now I know you don't like him much dear, but at least he's making and effort."

A cruel laugh leaves your lips, "And where was this 'effort' for all the past years of my life?"

"Darling, you know he has a busy schedule. Especially considering his job."

Was she actually hearing this? These words from the woman he left? "Don't you dare defend him to me. How can you? He left you, mum! Left us both; left you to take care of me; with no money and not a second glace. He left you and didn't even bother picking up his phone and giving one phone call to check up on us." I was seething, the tears now clearly evident in my voice. "Not one 'Hey, I'm just calling to check up on you two,' or a 'Happy Birthday!' Not one single phone call. And now he wants to get back into our lives? I don't think so."

"Gracey I know he's hurt you, but-"

"No. I don't want to hear it. Not another excuse for his pathetic actions, in his pathetic useless life. I'm done."

"He's sick, Grace. He's dying!"

"Well I guess God is doing us a favour!"


Zayn's voice pulls her back from her reverie. Shifting her gaze to the nothingness in front of her, she places her watery gaze on Zayn. Noticing the tears in her eyes or her tear streaked face, he rushes towards her. "What's wrong? Has someone hurt you?"

Not wanting to bring it up, Grace drops her head against his chest, the warmth from his arms creating an illusion of a safe cocoon from life's events. Grasping the material of his shirt in her fist, Grace pulls him closer towards her. Her tears staining his shirt.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be fine." Zayn's fingers run through her hair, adding to her comfort.

"No. It won't be okay."

Cold Indifference: a one direction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now