Chapter 9

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2:08 am

I could still taste Dom's lips on mine when I woke up but somehow all of it felt like a dream. Like a memory that didn't happen and as I remembered more and more of it my head began to throb.

"Just breath" said a soothing voice in front of me "You'll be fine"

I took a deep breath and my head began to relax. I stopped pressing my head together with my hands and let them fall to the side. Where was I?

I look around and I was lying on a pile of leaves and my back hurt from lying on the ground. I jumped up and checked if any insects had gone up my ear. A shiver goes down my spine just by thinking about those little creepy crawlies. I dusted off my dress and everything came back to me slowly.

Divoras coughed as if to make her presence known to me.

"See" she said audaciously "You would be completely okay without them"

"Without who?" I asked rubbing my head. Why did she seem so blurry

"You would be completely alright without Ghost and Alison" She sighed picking up my glasses from where I was sitting and handing them to me.

"Thankyou" I said putting them on. I did seem completely alright without them. I seemed to be doing almost the same things with just Aisha and the group that I did with Ghost and Ali with variations that were insignificant because what I had expected was something else altogether.

I assumed that if I weren't friends with Ghost or Ali then I would be alone or friends with Anne or somebody like that but I nowhere expected this. I was doing completely fine without them, I didn't need them.

I was surprised that I was still friends with Aisha because I thought Aisha had stopped hanging out with me because she thought I was boring. That I was just an obstacle in her chase to popularity, why else would she completely stop talking to me. But after that dream or fake memory Aisha and I were still friends so why did we stop hanging out?

Maybe I spent too much time with Ali and Aisha was jealous or she thought I was trying to steal Ghost away from her. Whatever it was, she could have told me and I should have tried talking to her. One thing became clear to me; if I had not been friends with Alison then I would have been friends with Aisha. It was always going to be either one of them and never both of them.

My head puzzled on and on as I watched Divoras lightly touch the leaves of the tree next to her. It was so weird to hear Ghost being called Ceaser in the entire dream. So this meant that if Ghost and I never met, he would have been called Ceaser. That's the difference I made? The name Ghost?

That's a pretty big difference

"A name doesn't make much of a difference" said Divoras picking out a leaf from my hair. "A different twitter handle but that's about it" How was she reading my mind?

"Then what difference did I even make" I frowned

"Oh darling." She crowed "Where was Ghost the entire time you were there?"

I don't know what she meant by 'there' but I still began to question what she just said. Where was Ghost the entire time? Why did Ceaser or Ghost or whatever he was called leave school? Why would he leave our neighborhood in just a month of being there?

Ali and Ghost had met each other before they met me, so why weren't they still friends even when I wasn't in the picture? It didn't make any sense.

"Too many questions ponder through your mind" said Divoras gently pressing her fingers to the sides of my forehead.

"Don't worry, you friends will answer these questions" She continued on account of my silence. "But I will answer one last question"

"Uhm...yea" I said seeing that she was waiting for my response

"What is your question?" She asked taking a step back her arms reaching out towards me.

A billion questions ran through my brain and it felt like a rush of wind went past me blowing my hair back as a chill went down my spine.

"If Ghost wasn't my neighbor anymore then" I stuttered "Where was he?"

Her smile widened and she pulled my fingers towards her. She had a firm grip on my hands and I tried to break out of it but my energy began to slowly seep out again. Her eyes were glowing the same electric blue and I got drawn into them. I felt like I was spiraling inside her eyes and then I felt like I was in the same glass box. Ghost stood in front of me, his loyal brown eyes replacing the sharp blue.

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