Epilogue pt. 2; a letter for my husband who i'm saying goodbye to

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Chapter 15;

a letter for my husband who i'm saying goodbye to,

Dear Mason,

by the time you'll read this I'm probably riding a plane to God knows where and leaving somewhere for the betterment of all of us. I know I asked for a month but I feel like a month would only leave me more broken than I already am. So, I changed my mind last minute, packed my bags and left.

For good? Probably not. I promised Luke, I'll be back someday. Someday maybe days, weeks, months or even years but I will be back, not to mess up with yours and Stella's relationship but to see my Luke. Please remind him how much his momma loves him everyday. He's probably happy now. You're probably happy now. And you know what? despite getting my heart broken, I don't regret anything at all. Even when right now I feel like as if I'll never get over this pain I'm feeling but in God's time I know I will. I just have to keep in mind that I'm doing this for my boys happiness because that's how much I love you both, I'll do anything in my power to see you both happy even if it means leaving you both for her.

There's so many things to say, Mase. I don't even know where to start. But maybe, I should start by saying Thank you. Despite it all, you still made me the happiest girl in the universe. All the tears, the happy moments, the fights, the fun times, all the memories we both shared in 10 years, I will cherish them forever. I hope you do too.

I really don't know how to end this cause I still have a lot to say but I guess they don't really matter anymore. I really have to go now, the taxi's already waiting outside.

By the time I see you again hopefully I found the one for me. Take care of Luke for me. I'll see you soon.

Loving you always, Bella

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I froze.

She left me.

I heard someone open the door from behind me but I'm not so sure. I feel like this is all a dream. A nightmare.

"Dad? Have you seen mom?" Luke asked from behind me.

She left us.

And it's all my fault.

"Dad? Where's mom?" I heard Luke say behind me.

but I don't know what to say.

How do you explain to a child his mom left him because of his dad's stupidity?

A lone tear left my eye. I wiped it off and folded the paper.

I faced my son who looks likes he's close to tears.

I hugged him because if I tried to explain I know he wouldn't understand.

"She's in a vacation, Luke." He looked up to me and I see a few tears on his cheeks.

I wiped it off and wiped his curls away from his face.

"But why didn't she bring us with her, dad?" He cried, hiccuping.

"Mom's-she's" I sighed.

"Momma will be back, Luke. I promise. I promise I'll bring her back."



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