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"Hey D I'm 15mins away. I am going to stop at this Starbucks do you want anything," she said. "Really...you and Starbucks...you really are an addict," he said. She only smiled and pulled into her happy place. she ordered her usual drink and a lemon pound cake. She didn't know where D was taking her but she didn't want to be too hungry.... I mean she had been driving for seven hours. For whatever reason this trek really took its toll on her and all she wanted to do was get in the bed and sleep for seven hours. But...she had no time for that and had to hit the ground running. She decided to go ahead and pull into a spot and go into the store. She wanted to use the restroom and make sure everything was on point. Last night's call came w/ last minute changes, and instead of him meeting her at the crib, she was going straight to his place. This seems to be a pattern for her...I guess she has gotten brave in her old age. She touched up her lips and made sure her hair was on point, blew herself a kiss, and said, you got this.

See, this wasn't just any dude, this was D...though they had never met (in person) she felt she knew him pretty well and had a good understanding of who he was and what he was about. She felt the magic that she felt through social media and their brief chats would ignite once they were face to face. She felt that this could be her one...the one that makes her realize why it didn't work w/ anyone else. So of course she wanted to make sure she was just right. She had dreamed about this moment for what had seemed like forever. It had been a year since they first met/chatted online. She thought she would've been in Charlotte by now. But she understood that she was not ready. And there were things she needed to get in place.

She got back on the road and turned on her work-out list so she could get pumped. She was nervous as all get out. She did a quick mirror check and called him to let him know she was there.

She counted to ten and got out of the car. She closed the door and heard a "Damn." She turned around and there he was...D. She smiled and said Heeeyyy. "What's wrong." She asked? "You...you are beautiful...I mean don't get me wrong...you look like your pics and I know we have video chatted but...wow. Yeah...I definitely don't want you spending time w/ anyone else...I want you to myself." She giggled and said "Ddddddd...here we are can you believe it? I never thought we would meet. Feelings mutual...you are handsome. But I knew that," chuckling to herself. He reached out and gave her a hug...omg he smelled so good. She almost got a little weak kneed but quickly pulled herself together. He asked her if she needed to take anything in or needed to use the little ladies room. She smiled and replied no that she had gone at the Bucks. He said, "ok...let me grab my keys really quick and we can be on our way. Man...humph...you are a sight. I'm one lucky man."

He opened the door for her and made sure she got in. Of course being who she was...she looked around the car and noticed it was spotless...and smelled really good. He got in and asked her what she wanted to listen too. "I'm open...no rap, no country...we should be fine. What you got" she said? He turned on the radio and started some small talk. Told me that it had been a long week. That Aaliyah was w/ his family and that I could meet her if I was interested. He stopped, "wow...I can't believe I just said that. I don't ever let ladies meet her unless we've gotten to a certain point. I guess you are throwing things all off course. Ms. Ohio." She giggled...if he only knew. In her head this was her last first date...the start of the rest of her life. Of course she would meet Aaliyah...I mean this was her future daughter. She was getting her perfect world. She would have her daughter and son...and she would have her chocolate latte served up as a NUPE...Mr. Kappa. They talked and laughed and everything just flowed. It was definitely like they were old friends from a previous life who bumped into each other and decided to rekindle an old flame. They talked about the journeys that they had encountered and where they were in their lives. He couldn't believe that he was so open to her...that he was really thinking of adding a long distance relationship to his already packed life. But in that moment his feelings had already taken control and he added it to his list of goals...he was ready for the challenge.

As they finished their lunch they talked about the museum they just visited. She yawned "I think I better take a nap before embarking on our next ventures." He told her that she was welcome to nap at his place. She accepted.

When she woke he was lying there staring at her. "How long have I been out? Have you been sitting there the whole time? Why are you looking at me like that? Is everything okay...D...talk to me," she said. He moved in and pulled her close...looked in her eyes and kissed her softly and with a calming that let her know everything was ok. He said, "I was just enjoying your beauty. You are right you don't drool...laughing. I haven't been staring long. I just came in and was getting ready to wake you when I was drawn to your slumber. Are you ready to go? We have dinner reservations and I think we should get on the road before the traffic gets too heavy." She was surprised b/c she thought she would be able to shower and change before their outing...but he was keeping her on a tight schedule.

As they drove to dinner they talked about the activities of the day and how they felt things were going. They agreed that the spark was there and that the feelings were definitely mutual. As they pulled into the parking spot he told her that he would like to kiss her again. She looked at him and smiled. He reached over and kissed her again...this time with a yearning that spoke to her. In that kiss he told her how he felt and that if she would allow him...he would show and give her the world.

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