Chapter 4 -The Torture

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Ward POV

I was inside the Avengers tower. It was amazing, but I needed to fulfill my mission. I need to keep up with this act. Some of the agents here at Avengers tower suspect me. I contacted John Garrett immediately.

"Agent Garrett, I am at the Avenger tower," I told Agent Garrett over my coms.

'Good! So did you find what is GH-325! We need that for Hydra super soldiers' asked Agent Garrett.

"No, they didn't tell us anything. Did you know that certain of Fury's selected agents are immortal like Thor? Agent Jackson and the girl Skye are gods" I reported to him.

'No wonder Coulson survived' mused Garrett. 'Go to sleep, they may suspect you'

I went to sleep. Little did I know that the Avengers and all the Agents of Shield were watching Agent Ward and his little communication with John Garrett

Time Skip

I woke up and saw everyone was up in the kitchen finding breakfast. Agent Jackson and Agent Skye were making special pancakes. For some unknown reason, it was blue. Then there was a loud boom! The Avengers muttered 'Stupid Stark'. Tony Stark walk calmly with an innocent smile on his face.

"What did you do this time, Stark," asked Black Widow

" really" stuttered Stark

"If it was nothing, then what was that big boom then," asked Steve Rogers

"Oh a few uh upgrades for my suit" explain Tony

"QUIET" yelled Jackson. He was glaring everyone, but Skye. Let me tell you that glare scares me to hell 100 times. Everyone was cowering in fear, well except for Fury since he just walks in.

"Finally, now let's get to business," said Skye who look at everyone. Then everyone stared at me. 'Uh oh,' I thought. I think they suspect me. Jackson snaps his fingers and time stop all around me. Everyone advance towards me. 

"You didn't think that we would let an agent of Hydra getaway would we" mused Steve with a creepy smile. He got his shield. Stark was suited up in his Ironman suit. Thor has his hammer. Jackson, well he had a staff that has several snakes wrapped around it. That not the scary part. He has an orb that has electricity, water, air, fire, earth; all floating around the sphere that looks like the universe. Skye got out her rifle and aimed at me. May got her pistol. Same with Coulson and Fury. Black widow has her gun, Hawk-eye with his bow and arrow. Dr. Banner has a taser. Fitz-Simmons look at me in disgust.

"H-h-how did you know" I stuttered. Everyone smirked. Tony snapped his fingers and a video and the audio from my last night conservation with John Garrett. I paled

"Are you really that stupid! Gods, Ward, how stupid can you be. You betrayed all of us for Hydra. Lets Hades have mercy on your soul, Ward. Maybe Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, the gods of Olympus. You know, the gods have some torment that is not good. Have fun Ward" screamed Skye. She shot me. Then everyone attacks me. Then I blacked out.

Time Skip

I woke up and saw 14 thrones around me. There was a hearth around me. Then other people flashed in front of me. Some people came from behind. They have spears, swords, bow & arrows, daggers, knives, guns, a hammer, an ax, then one crazy war-headed guy who look like a pig. He has like 13 swords around him, 20 bazookas, 100 Ak-47, 100 M7, a tank, and some nasty weapons. Then I saw Jackson gave a quick kiss to Skye and walk up to me. He summons his staff and the thing glowed brightly. He pointed at me and I was hit with a giant beam of light. I fell done knocked out. Everyone was torturing me every time I woke up.

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