Chapter Two

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How did I get myself into this?

Well, it all started a few months ago.....

At the beginning of Twelfth grade year, I met Julie in AP Calculus She wasn't the type of girl I would usually talk to, much less become friends with. She had a glowing perfect real tan from spending many hours on the hot, sunny beach. Her long almond brown hiar was messy, as if she had just gone swimming. She dressed like the girls from beach shows on MTV and had great figure, probably no bigger than a size four. So, I was completly shocked when she turned to me plain Jane and started making small talk. I found out that Julie had just moved from Florida. I couldn't imagine why anyone would move from Florida to a place like Jackson, Tennessee. Never the less her dad had be offered a very inpersive pay increase if he was willing to relocate. So, thats how Julie ended up sitting next to me in AP Calculus. Poor girl.

After class was lunch perriod, so Julie asked if she coudl sit with me. I was confused. Malabo Barbie wanted to sit with me? Me the the four eyed girl with stright as a borad hair that wouldn't do anying different even if I tryed. Me, the girl wearing a old warn out "The Morning of" rock tee and jeans that fit losely to cover up the fact that I was not a size four. She could pick any group to sit with at lunch, but she chose me and my less than popular friends.


People always say you cannot judge a book by the cover and I guess they are right. I would have never thought that Julie and I would end up being best friends. Yes, Julie is ten time prettier than me, but she doesn't t act like she is better than me. I wasn't the only one to notice how pretty Julie is, however. In no time Julie had become friends with a lot of the popular kids, but for some reason she still hung out with me more than any one else. I often wondered how long it would take her to figure out that I was a nobody and she would be better off hanging out with people more like her.

One night, when I was spending the night Julies's house, her phone rang while she was in the shower.

"Hey your phones ringing," I yelled silightly to loud at her though the door.

"Answer it for me will you?" She sung back.

I ran over to her pink razor phone that had be pimped out with sparkly jewels, and picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said/asked since I didn't know who it was.

"Hey Julie, It's Matt."

"Oh, hi sorry, but Julie is in the shower," I replied ready to hang up.

"Oh, well who is this?" He asked in a charming voice.

"Does it really matter?" I asked bluntly.


"Yea, how did you guess?" I asked without thinking. I have a bad habit of speaking without thinking. Sometimes I just blurt out whatever is on my mind even if it doesn't make since.

"Just a lucky guess," He said in a playful way.

"Well I'll tell her you called," I say quickly and hang up.

Matt Fisher didn't want to talk to me ,and I didn't really want to talk to him either. Matt had a reputation for being a ladies man and in eleventh grade he went thought girlfriends like used tissues. With each break up came disgusting rumors, but some how he always weasled his way out of trouble. Julie was new and it was my job to worn her about his games and tricks. I mean I could understand how she could like him. His dark wavy chestnut hair had grown long in the back, but he still kept his bangs at the right length to barely cover his forest green eyes. He had lost wieght over the summer and was now becomeing tone and musuclar. He was popular,charming and on the out side he seem like everything a girl could ask for, but on the inside, I knew he was ugly. Somehow he has everyone at school trick that he is this all around great guy, that just happpens to have bad luck with girls, but I know the turth. I have fallen victum to his curlness.


In tenth grade I had the biggest crush on this guy named Adam. I had never really wasted my time with guys before, but Adam was really nice. He would walk me to class, hold my book bag, eat lunch with me, and even walk me to my bus in the afternoons. I really thought that he was going to be my first boyfriend. Then out of no where he stoped doing those nice things and eventaly stoped talking to me all together. I was so confused about what I had done wrong. I honestly didn't do anything wrong.

Later, while in a bathroom stall, a group of grils came into the bathroom. I was waiting for them to leave before I can out, when I heard my name come from one of their mouths.

"Did you hear about that Abby Thompson girl?" Voice number one said.

I quickly realized who she was. Christian.

"Oh, yea how sad," said girl number two.

"What are you talking about?" Asked girl number three.

"Well, that Abby girl has this mad crush on Adam Lancer." said christian.

"You mean the nerd that does your home work?" ask girl number three.

"Yea, but anyways that not even the worest part. I mean, I always new that Abby was weird, but aparently she is obsesed with Adam. Matt Fisher told Adam that she has drawings and pictures of him in a note book. She even has a drawing of what their kid would look like."

"How sad," Laughed girl number three.

"I know, but luckly Matt warned Adam before he got envolved with that loony." spat chistian


What kind of a friend would I be if I let Julie get involved with Matt Fisher.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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