Chapter 4

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"Let's order some shots!" Claude semi-yelled over the music that was blaring in the bar as the restaurant closed for the evening. "Do you like vodka?"

Christine nodded, and in what seemed like mere seconds, several shots of Grey Goose appeared in front of her. She had never really "done shots" before, but she wasn't going to turn them down tonight. Not with the Captain leading the way. The bar was fairly full when they arrived over an hour ago, but it had thinning out considerably. Christine was surprised that no one approached Claude to ask for an autograph. She noticed a few glances and nods coming his way, but it seemed that most Philadelphians knew to leave their sports stars alone when they were out on the town.

The vodka burned Christine's throat and sent a warming sensation throughout her whole body. She was not a big drinker, so ingesting this much alcohol at one time was a shock. She knew it was only a matter of time before she felt it in her head. Hopefully she wouldn't let loose and do something crazy.

Claude was tired from the game. Those battles with the Devils always took it out of him. He had been known to drink people under the table in his younger days, but tonight he started to feel his head rush after a few shots. He'd better slow down. He had been trying to put the partying life behind him, so a one-night stand was not his goal tonight. Christine wasn't the type woman he usually went for anyway. But for some reason he was able to drop his usual tough exterior around her and just be himself - something he had found nearly impossible since becoming captain of the Flyers.

The vodka gave Christine a calm and confidence she had not had all evening. She and Claude turned to face each other, and Christine suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to touch him. Before she realized what she was doing, her hands went to his shoulders and her fingers slipped under the collar of his blazer. Claude looked surprised, then gave her a smile so sexy she almost fell off the chair. He lightly placed his hands on her waist and leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I won't bite, je promets." The words sent sparks down Christine's spine. Too bad she had forgotten everything she learned in high school French class.

Christine was not like the high-maintenance glamor girls who usually hung around Claude, begging for his attention. She was a little older and had a maturity that Claude was not used to seeing in the women he dated. She was cute, though, and had an air of innocence that made her seem younger. He found her charismatic personality and warm smile irresistible. It felt good, for a change, to be with a woman who didn't want something from him because he is a professional athlete. His head buzzed from the vodka and without over thinking it, he returned her surprise advance.

Once she grasped those firm shoulders, Christine couldn't let go. It was true what they said about hockey players - men of steel. She could feel the warmth coming off his body and could smell his intoxicating cologne as he moved in closer. She wasn't sure what was happening, she only knew it was happening fast and she was not going to stop it.

Claude lifted Christine's chin and gazed into her eyes. He saw shyness and a hint of surprise, but more than that he saw desire burning in her dark eyes as he ran his hands through her thick, wavy brown hair and pressed his lips to hers.

Christine froze at the surprise of Claude's kiss and could feel her face turning crimson. But in a matter of nanoseconds, her fears turned into a desire that she had never felt before. She pressed her lips to his and responded in kind as he slipped his tongue into her mouth with an ease and hunger that made her gasp. She fervently returned his kisses and ran her fingers through his wavy, ginger hair.

After a few moments Claude and Christine remembered they were sitting in the middle of a bar. No need to make a scene when there were people far too interested in gossip about Claude's personal life. Christine was thinking of the room she had upstairs for the night, but she was too shy to suggest that they head that way. She was hoping that he would say something.

Claude knew Christine had a room upstairs but was afraid to mention it, so he did. "Are you interested in going someplace a little more private? You know I'm stuck here for the night, so I guess your room will have to do unless you want me to spend the night in the lobby."

Christine's head was spinning. The vodka buzz had kicked in and Claude Giroux just asked to accompany her to her room. Christine tried to remain cool. "Sure, that's a great idea. Let's go."

Claude grabbed Christine's hand and led her towards the elevators. For a second, she forgot what floor her room was on. In fact, she was having trouble processing much of anything except the feel of Claude's hand in hers and the confident way he led her towards the bar exit. Fortunately, by the time they entered the elevator and needed to hit a button, she remembered the room number. The elevator ride was a blur, and soon they were standing in front of the door to her room.

The second they stepped inside the room, Christine lost all inhibition. The Flyers captain was hers for the night and she was not going to waste a second, but she didn't want to rush through it either. She walked up to him and slowly slipped his navy blazer off his shoulders and gently placed it on the chair. Before she could undress him any further, he gripped her shoulders and gently pressed her against the wall, kissing her with an urgency that let her know slow was not his style.

She let herself fall into his body as she melted into his kisses. Her body was on fire and her heart was pounding so hard it hurt. At that moment she knew there was no return. This was happening now and no force on earth could stop it. 'You are so sexy," she whispered in a tone that told Claude no others words were necessary.

He grabbed the hem of her silver sweater and pealed it over her head, revealing a lacy black bra. She could see his amber eyes blazing in the dim light reflecting off the window from the street below. She quickly loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt revealing his chiseled chest. She ran her hands over his chest and he moaned something under his breath that sounded like French. In a flash, their clothes were in a pile on the floor and they were kissing, touching and rolling around on the bed. For a second she felt guilty about having sex with someone she just met, but she convinced herself this was different. She had dreamt about this moment and now it was reality. Not many people get that chance. she let go of all of her fears and inhibitions and let him have her.

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