Requests Are Open!

15 1 6

Heya guys!

So, since school's started back up I've been sort of ignoring my account (and yes I know I never finished the pod sequel, I'll adress that in a bit), so this is just kind of a thing to get myself back in the writing game, so to speak.

This'll be a book filled with tiny drabbles for things I just kinda felt like writing and requests from pretty much anyone who'll give me one.

You can ask for requests from one of my many fandoms! A list can be found in my bio, but since we're all lazy here, I'm just gonna copypaste it.

☆ overwatch
☆ hetalia
☆ ok k.o.
☆ steven universe
☆ star vs the forces of evil
☆ youtubers
☆ yugioh
☆ some relevant video games, mostly nonrelevant shit like off
☆ fire emblem
☆ dream daddy
☆ camp camp
☆ rwby

So there's your list! Feel free to ask me about other fandoms I maybe forgot to throw in there, and always always ALWAYS ask me for my ships! I'm never really against any unless they're morally wrong but I may feel uncomfortable writing for something I don't exactly endorse.

That being said, please ask away and keep my ass busy!


Yeah I know I said I'd brush on Power Of Dragons.
I'm well aware it's been six months and I'm deeply sorry but it probably ain't happening...I left off at too awkward of a point for me to just jump right back into, not to mention I've fallen out of love with the ship and the entire fandom.

Again, deepest apologies...I might try to continue it if anyone actually cares but otherwise meh

Just let me know

Now enjoy whatever hell awaits you within this book


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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Requests and Random Drabbles .:OPEN:.Where stories live. Discover now