🎙 미스터 피아노 🎹

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I wake up. I'm scared to breathe. To open my eyes any further. I think to myself. I take my first breath since I awoke.

I smell, gasoline, and cigarette smoke. I slowly open my eyes and sit up from my bed. The first thing I see is the torn wallpaper in my room and the red stained carpet beneath me.

Im scared to move further. Why am I so scared? I put my feet in my slippers and take a deep breath once again. "You're hurting Yoongi more than me! Why can't you just stay here?!" My mother yells.

"Why should I stay? Why should I be here, when I could be working and have a better life! I didn't ask for you OR Yoongi!" My dad spots out. His words cut me like knifes.

I should run away. Maybe they won't fight anymore. I grab my backpack and stuff all of my clothes in it. I grab my notebook and a pen and walk out the door. I see my mom sitting there with a huge fake grin on her face.

"You're father is going on a business trip to America for a few months. Why don't you say goodbye to him Yoongi?" My mother smiles faker and faker every second.

"Bye dad. Have a safe trip." I bow to him. "I'm gonna go hang out with some friends. I'll see you later mom." I lie to her. Straight to my mother's face I lie. "Okay sweetie be back before dark." My mother calls out to me.

You liar! Why did you lie to your mom? Why not tell her your sick and tired of that hell hole and you're gonna live somewhere else? My demons shout to me. At least, I call them demons. They're more like irritating voices that I want to kill.

I want to kill them, they hurt me, burn my insides tear open my heart. I can't stand it. I'm only a 15 year old. Why do I feel this way? So, depressed.

I walk to the bus stop. Busan's a good place to stay for now. Let's leave Daegu. I tell myself and get on the bus. Busan here I come.

A lady who is sitting on the seat across from me is playing with a scarf. A nice scarf that looks like a piano. I admire it not noticing the lady stopping to look at me.

"You like piano?" She asks calmly. She doesn't look old. Maybe a few years older than me. I nod. "Here. It's getting colder please, take this scarf." She smiles and hands over the finished piano tiled scarf.

I stare at her wide eyed. "I can't take this Miss." I stutter. She just smiles and looks away. Ignoring the fact that I'm trying to give it back.


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