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the late summer night was unusually chilly, reaching to a low 70 degrees. arden lastor was enjoying the odd temperature change, simply because the girl preferred cooler weather over hotter weather; the heat made her feel uncomfortable. she sat on the porch of her new jersey home, watching the stars twinkle in the moonlight; she had always been a night owl, as well.

meanwhile across the street, grayson dolan has been working on a plan. a plan so crucial, it could determine the rest of his best friends' life.

you see, arden and grayson had been best friends since 4 years ago, when the moving van pulled up to the house across the road that had been vacant for so long, and outstepped a girl, whose long chocolate colored hair intrigued the boy. long story short, grayson introduced himself, and the two had been like peas in a pond ever since.

grayson, who kept repeating the same thoughts over and over in his busy mind, struggled to come up with any more steps to his master plan. the boy kept raking over his ideas in his head, scrambling to find something useful. he glanced out his window, seeing arden, who was still peacefully admiring the sky. grayson smiled to himself, for he loved to see the usually sad girl so happy.

that's when it hit him; she loved the stars. the stars were her escape in the world, the reason she hadn't wanted to move to a city, only the rural woodlands of upstate new jersey.

he knew what he had to do.

he quickly scribbled down his thoughts in his "idea journal," slammed it shut, and quickly ran out of his house and across the street, running right up next to arden, who seemed startled by his sudden appearance.

"i have a proposition."


"grayson, you're absolutely insane if you think you can pull this off," arden groaned, scanning his journal with her dark eyes. grayson scoffed at the girl, who was not even willing to give his master plan a chance.

"it could work, you know. it's not like we have anything that is stopping us."

arden rolled her eyes, standing up from grayson's desk chair.

"my parents, your parents, my doctors, my fucking disease, just to name a few."

sighing, grayson ran his fingers through his messy brown hair. maybe she was right, maybe this entire idea was just a waste.

until he remembered.

"ar, you still have your wish. from the make-a-wish people."

"yes, and?"

"use it on this!"

"i-i can't just demand something like this, gray! this could be extremely dangerous, just think of how long we'd be gone!"

grayson, who was not easily frustrated, was beyond frustrated. he was completely and utterly defeated, ungratified, and embittered. all he wanted to do was give arden a chance to do something she's never had the chance to do, and now what?

"ar, just please, please, try talking to someone. this could be incredible," grayson begged. the boy was on the brink of tears, simply because he just wanted to give the girl the world and more, before it was too late.

arden, just as frustrated as her male counterpart, paced across grayson's bedroom floor.

"i guess i could try talking to my par-" she started, only to be interrupted by grayson's cheers.

"yes, yes, yes!" he yelled, jumping around his bedroom. arden sat back and watched him in awe, realizing that he only wanted the best for her, and that's what best friends are supposed to do right?

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