Blood+;I'll Love You Forever

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Hi!!! Its me again, Saya_Mai!!! I'm really excited to do this chapter! So, if you've read my other fanfic, Soul Eater; the Conflict After Ashura? then you'll know that I was planning on doing a Blood+ fanfic when I was done with my Soma (Soul x Maka) one. Well, I'm not done, but I was just so excited to do this one, that I couldn't wait! So, I hope to not procrastinate and to actually finish this one unlike all those other writers that never finished their Blood+ fanfics. So, this will be a Haji x Saya one, and if you don't like that, you are an asshole, you motherfucker. Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy it!

Key: speech: "Speech."

       thought: 'Thought.'

---O.o Prologue o.O---

"Haji!!!" I yelled, tears cascading from my face as the balcony collapsed on him. "N-no." I whispered. 'Haji, how could I just lose you like that?'I thought 'You were my friend, my Chivalier, and, least expectedly, my lover.' Black spots corroded my vision as I blacked out.

---O.o 11 years later; in the tomb; Saya's POV o.O---

"Haji!!!" I yelled, tears cascading down my face as the balcony collapsed on him. That was probably the trillionth time I've replayed that image in my head, but the pain never lessens. 'Why?' I thought to myself, as I couldn't speak because I was asleep. 'Why did he have to leave me? I...I love him!' "Haji!!!" I heard ripping, and a cold, hard surface met my naked body.

---O.o Lets go check on Kai and the twins!!! o.O---

"Hey, Uncle Kai, what do we have for lunch today?" Inquired Idura, the red eyed twin.

"Yeah, what are we having?" Repeated Idana, the blue eyed twin. "Tuna salad and chips." The now 29 year old Kai replied.

"Yum! Sounds good!" Idura said as her stomach grumbled.

"You remind me of your Aunt." Kai said wistfully.

"What's she like?" Idana asked.

"Well," Kai began, "She looks like you two, except she usually has her hair cut short. Her eyes are redish like Idura's, and her hair is black. She's a really nice person. She also had a sister, your mother, named Diva. They didn't know each other very well, but they had a strong connection." Kai smiled.

"You girls will like her when she finally wakes up."

"Cool!" Said Idana. "She sounds really nice." Idura added.

"Would ya look at that, we're here!" Kai exclaimed.

"Yay! Now we can eat!" Idura said, running up the stairs.

"That girl eats more that a sumo wrestler." Kai commented.

"Yup." Idana agreed. Then she followed her sister up the stairs. "Hey, wait up!" She yelled. "Nope, don't feel like it!" Idura called back. They got to the top of the stairs and saw something very surprising.

"Uh, Uncle Kai! You need to see this!!!" Idana yelled. Kai started running up the stairs.  When he got to the top he almost passed out.

"Oh my God." He breathed.

---O.o The next evening; 6:50; Saya's POV o.O---

"Wha-what?" I asked myself. I looked around, realising I was In my room at Omoro's.

"B-but then...that must mean...I'm-" I jumped hot of bed, noting that I had a nightgown on, and ran downstairs. I tiptoed up behind Kai and hugged him from behind.

"I'm back!" I said. "You sure are!" Kai exclaimed. "You scared me half to death!"

"Heh, gomen ne." I apologised. "It's fine." He said, looking me up and down, "You haven't changed a bit! I knew it would happen, but it's still surprising!"

"Well, you've changed a lot, old man!" I laughed.

"I'm not that old! By the way, why are you awake already?" He asked.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked, "It has been 30 years, right?"
"No, it's only been 11."


Just then the twins walked in.

"U-uhm hi." One said. The other one just waved.

"Oh!" Kai said, "Saya, meet Idura and Idana. Girls, this is your Aunt Saya." "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, "You girls are so cute!"

"Oh my God!" Idura yelled.

"What?" Asked everyone in the room.

"Gomen ne! I almost forgot. I found something at the tomb that looks like it's for you." She fumbled around in her bag for a minute, and then she pulled out a slightly wilted pink rose with a blue ribbon tied on it and handed it to me.

"O-oh." I stammered. 'Is he really alive?' I thought to myself. Then I smiled. "Thank you." I said. I glanced at the clock. "Crap! It's already eight! I should probably shower." I suggested.

"Okay! We should probably get to bed." Idana agreed. "Yeah, I'm tired." Added Idura.

"Goodnight!" the twins said in unison. They ran upstairs to their room and closed the door. "Well, I guess I'll hit the sack as well." Kai said.

"Okay, goodnight." I replied. I headed for my room to grab some clean clothes. I just got red pajama shorts and a tight white tank top. I then walked to the bathroom attached to my bedroom and took a shower, washing my ankle length black hair. I got out and trimmed it to waist length, brushed it, and put my dirty clothes in the hamper. I walked out of the bathroom, making sure to leave one light on so I could see if I needed to get up in the night.

I looked over at the pink rose I had left on my nightstand. I walked over and took the ribbon off, tying it in my hair on the side. I went over to my dresser which had a mirror on it and looked at my hair. 'I like it like this.' I decided. 'It reminds me of old times.' I just then realised what I thought and the smile disappeared from my face.

"Where are you, Haji? I thought you'd be here by now!" I went over to my open window, tears falling down my face. "Haji!!!" I cried. A pair of sleek, black feathered wings sprouted from my back.

---O.o The end of this chapter o.O---

So, I hope you liked it! I'm not done, there will be more from me, just not today. I love you all! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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