Meeting him

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I sat there on my bed, gazing at the TV. I'm not sure how long I have been sitting here for quite a long time. I made a quick glace at the ticking clock that was on the wall next to my bed. 11:32 P.M. I don't know if I can sleep knowing there could possibly be a stalker watching my every move. I desperately wanted to call for help, call for my mother or father, but I was afraid of what "consuquences" this annonymous person said. I couldn't think straight by how frightened I was. I could not take it anymore! I grabbed my cell phone and started to dial my dads number. Just before I could finish, I recieved a text message followed with the lights in my room flickering a little. I tapped the notification on my phone which brought me to a chat with an unknown number.

Unknown #: I told you not to call the police. That goes with your parents too, Dear.


Unknown #: I want you

I felt tears rush through my face along with my heart hammering hard against my chest. My palms grew sweaty as well with me having heavy breathing. My phone vibrated once again as I dared to look at my phone.

Unknown #: Look at your Television, (Y/n).

My eyes slowly trailed up to my gray TV. A few monents after I did so, all the lights in my room turned off.

"No.. NO!" I quickly got up from my bed and headed for my light switch. I desperately tried to turn it on, but as much as I switched the lever, no lights came on. I looked back at the TV seeing something poke out. From the street lights from outside my house illuminated some of my room, so it wasn't too hard to see. My eyes widened in fear as my TV turned on with a fuzzy screen. But thats Impossible! I unplugged everything in my room...

The Tv would turn off and on, but something I never would've expected happened. As soon as it would appear back to the fuzzy screen, an arm would pop out, along with more of a body. My heart stopped as soon as I saw a blonde haired Link look-a-like looked straight up at me with sinister blood red eyes that illuminated some of its facial features. Those eyes shot through my chest like a bullet. The only thing I could do was run. I ran out of my room slamming the door behind me. I grabbed the chair sitting outside my parents room and set it up under the doorknob. That should buy enough time to get out of here...

I heard the door slam behind me as I ran downstairs and to my front door. I turned the knob, but it wouldn't turn. I twisted tje locks that were just right above the knob. But they wouldn't turn. What the hell is going on??

I heard my door from upstairs swing open with a BAM.

(Y/nnnn)... A male voice called out. I ran through my kitchen and into the bathroom and the end of the hall, locking myself in. I looked at the window above my bathtub, hoping I could escape. I stepped on the edge of the tub, careful not to fall into the bath water that was in there. My mom must've took a bath and forgot to empty the tub. She sometimes forgets.

I tried pushing up the window. Not budging. I checked to make sure it was unlocked by turning the handle. I attempted to open the window again, still not budging.

"Oh what the fuck!" I frustratingly grabbed a toilet pluger, going back up there about to wack and shatter the window. I swung with all my might using the end of the metal from the plunger. The window only made a few small cracks, but I couldn't seem to break it. The bathroom door knob starting twisting rapidly. I tried many times to break the glass again, but I could not keep going. The metal handle broke off from the plunger part. Great...

The door was starting to slam, indicating that... Whatever it was, was trying to break down the door. I jumped down from the tub and grabbed the nearest thing to try and defend myself which was my mom's favorite light blue vase holding some type of orange flowers with yellow daisys printed all over the vase.

Sorry mom, but I have to.

The door flew open revealing the boy wearing a Link costume. My (eye color) orbs stared in fear with his sinister red ones. He chuckled darkly and started to walk closer to me. I threw the vase at the boy with all my strength as the sound of clay shattering and hitting the floor, water driping down from rhe impact. The sinister Link glitched and sparked as the water was dripping off his dark green clothes. Water... Thats it!

I jumped in the tub as the water spashed around the edges. I grabbed the shower head and pulled it down, a tube attached. I pointed it at the boy while having the cold bath water soak around my feet. "Theres more where that came from, you creep!"

A low growl was heard from the boy. And with that, he vanished in thin air. I waited a few more minutes before I realized he was finally gone. I took a deep breathe, wondering what I should do next. I scurried out of thr bathroom and into my room (being cautious, of course.) I grabbed the smooth gray game from my N64 and chucked it out my window.

"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I hollered, digging my face into my palms. Leaning onto the wall, tears flooded my eyes. From that horrific expierience, I just couldn't contain myself. I want to get help, I really do. But even if I did tell anyone that a devilish Link crawled out of my TV screen and tried to kill me, they would most likely think im crazy. What am I going to do??

(A/n: hey dudes, sorry this chapter was a little short lol but I ak pretty excited for writing this, and hopefully it turns out okay for you guys, if there are any errors, please tell me so I can fix them! ^^ )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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