Chapter 1

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"So who are you gonna ask to homecoming?" Jenna asked. She was delirious. "Jenna, you know how i feel about all school dances. I cant dance and even if i did, i wouldnt have anyone to dance with." Shes bugged me about this a million times. "Yeah, i guess you're right." Jenna looked down, letting her long blonde pin straight hair fall over her high cheekbones. "So, hypothetically speaking, if you were to ask someone who would it be? Anyone in particular?" I hadnt really thought about it. None of the girls in Bankrow high interest me. Maybe its because ive been going to the same school for 3 years now, but ive never been interested in any girl before. Weird. "Nope, no one. If i had to go with anyone, i guess it would be with you." I tousled my hair feeling a bit awkward, but Jenna knew just how to break the silence. "Damn, im hungry," she clung to her belly exaggerating the extent of her hunger. "Lets go eat some thing im starving. My treat." She added, clinging to a 50 dollar bill. It was an offer i couldnt reject. "Where to?"

"I dont know, i was thinking maybe something different? Theres this new place between Elk road and 57th street. I hear its good, its called ZONE-0. You in?"

I started the car engine and drove to the direction that Jenna told me. This is exactly what i needed. A nice, quiet place, where i can have lunch with my best friend.

We arrived at a giant warehouse painted black with what seemed to be unkempt weeds growing at the botton of the building, plastering themselves, making their way up the walls like snakes. I opened my car door and stepped outside to hear a crunch under my feet. Broken glass, Just peachy. Jenna seemed to notice it too because she glanced at the glass and said "Nice, they'll probably serve us booze here!" Jenna has always been the party animal. We slowed our pace when we got to the main entrance, the glass doors had intricate designs of galactic swirls and spirals.

A bouncer met us at the inside of the entrance along with a black interior and nothing but bright neon colors. So much for a quiet place. The bouncer was big. Huge, actually. He was wearing a nice tux, but even over the tux you can see his flexing muscles.

"Give me your ID's." He stated with an angry look on his face.

"Oh, um okay," I was reaching into my back right pocket for my wallet when Jenna pushes past me and handed him her ID with a subtle green paper on the underside of her picture.

She winked "So? Are you gonna let us in or what?"

The bouncer pulled on the thick scarlet velvet rope and gave a small nod in the direction of the loud thud of the music, Jenna squealed and ran in. I, of course, ran in after her grabbing her by the elbow.

"Are you crazy? This is totally illegal! And what are we gonna eat with now? We have no money and if the cops found out about this, we'd spend the night in jail!"

She snorted a laugh, "Calm down, Blake. We're just having a little fun. Come on, let's go get a drink at the bar."

Before I had time to respond, Jenna had already pulled me by my arm to the bar and ordered me two shots of tequila.

"No. I'm not gonna drink, it's against the law. We're only 17, Jenna." I managed to whisper.

She pouted her big red lips and gave me sad eyes. "Please Blake? For me?" Jenna is the the most convincing person I know. Fuck it, school starts in less than a week, so I might as well go crazy before it does.

"I am so gonna regret this." I tipped the shot glass back and felt the cold liquid run down my throat, making me warm inside. I cringed at the taste of the substance.

"Ugh this tastes nasty!" I've always thought that alcohol was supposed to be addicting, not repulsive.

"Don't worry, it gets better after the first few!" Jenna screamed over the music with two empty glasses beside her. She was having no problem bringing it down. Next thing I knew, Jenna had grabbed a random guy by the wrist and was swallowed by the crowd of gyrating bodies, along with her new friend.

Too many shots to count later, I couldn't see clearly. Everything was blurry and the room was spinning. Everything was blurry but one person. A man. About 6'4, with brown tousled hair and from what I can tell, a lean fit body. He was wearing a royal blue dress shirt and jeans that suited his legs but, like the bouncer, you can tell even over his shirt that his muscles were hand-crafted by god. He looked like a Greek god himself.

Before I could stop myself, I walked up to him and danced to the beat of the music. He gave me a look i could not recognize but danced anyway.

What was I doing? This isn't like me. I need a girl to dance with. I looked around but none of the slutty girls with short dresses too tight to breathe in suited my taste. I'll just dance with this guy for now. Mystery man shot me a mischievous grin and grabbed me by the waist. I turned around, giving him my back and got a little closer. No, not a little. A lot closer. I felt the the rough texture of his jeans on the back of my legs and ass. We were grinding. Moving rhythmically to the sway of the music.

And then I realized what I was doing. I jumped forward pulling myself out of the cage he created around me with his arms. I turned around and looked him in the eyes. Up close, his features were even more perfect than they were before. Fair, tan skin with a pair of beautiful gray eyes with streaks of green. And man, those lips. So full and pink without him even trying. He clenched his sharp angular jaw and looked at me too.

"Im sorry I can't do this." And I ran. I managed to find the bathroom and clung to the edges of the marble sink. The neon lights were getting to me, causing a headache. I was just drunk. Completely wasted, there was no way I was interested in men. I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection trying to see if I was seeing clearly. Curly brown hair, emerald eyes, and that old scar I got right above my left eyebrow when I was 5. Nothing out of place. I splashed cold water on my face and decided that getting the hell out of this place would be the best thing to do. Now where's Jenna?

I chose to go look for her but when I reached for the bathroom handle, the door opened before I could touch the metal. Before me was standing mystery man with a concerned look on his face. He truly was beautiful. What was happening? I've never looked at anyone that way, much less a guy.

"Hey man, you okay?" He actually looked somewhat concerned.

"Um yeah," I managed to choke out. "Just got a headache that's all."

"Oh, here let me help you." He stepped closer to me until our chests were inches from touching. He put his rough, large fingers on my temples and I flinched. "Let me help you." He stated, with more authority. He applied pressure on my temples and rubbed in a circular motion. Even though I didn't have a headache, I could tell that the massage he was performing could actually help.

"So what, are you like a masseuse or something?" I asked, in a playful tone.

He didn't bother answering my question. I didn't even realize that he had stopped applying pressure and was now lingering his fingers over the skin on the side of my face and just staring at me. The sides of his lips pinched up, creating a cocky smirk.

"Am I making you nervous?" I was so shocked by the question but finally realized that he got that statement from my deer in the headlights face. I immediately wiped it off and replaced it for a cocky smirk of my own.

Yes. "No." He inched closer, our chests now touching and moved his face closer to mine. Our foreheads met, along with our noses.

"Now?" He asked, biting his bottom lip. He was teasing me, but it takes two to tango.

I put my hands on his chest this time and moved my lips closer to his, making them less than an inch apart. "Not even close." I whispered, and pushed on his chest, pulling away from the closeness of our bodies.

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