Chapter 4

413 27 5

The hallways reek of fresh paint. It seems to be the only thing I can focus on rather than listen to Jenna blab about something having to do with her new hair product.

"Are you listening to me?" Jenna inquired.

"Yeah of course, you said it makes your hair softer and shinier, right?" I question.

"Yeah whatever." She says with a playful smile so I know she's not mad.

We continue to walk down the hallway as I scan all the new faces.

"Hey, Jenna?" I say.

"Yeah?" She responds, looking up at me. Her green eyes bright and full of something that might have been hope.

"This is me." I tell her, pointing to a white door with the number 27 labeled in black on the top.

Whatever was in her eyes faltered, and finally faded and her mouth turned to a frown.

"Oh, um, okay. Yeah. My class is right there so I guess I'm gonna go. The bell rings in 3 minutes anyway." She walks away and disappears into the classroom right in front of mine. Before I can question it, the first bell rings. Letting me know that I only have 2 minutes before class starts.

I walk into the classroom. Scribbled on what looks like a chalk board in awful handwriting is 'MR. WELSH, ENGLISH LITERATURE."

I walk all the way to the back of the class, trying not to look at anyone and take a seat, with the final seat to spare right next to me. I place my book bag on the empty chair.

The final bell screeched, announcing that school was finally in session.

"Alright class, welcome back to school. My name is Mr.--" Before he has a chance to finish introducing himself, a guy walks in interrupting Mr. Welsh.

"Can I help you, young man?" Questioned Mr. Welsh.

"Yeah," the guy said, his back turned to the class. "I certainly wouldn't be standing here for fun."

Chuckles scattered across the class. Who does this guy think he is? First he comes in late, and now he's disrespecting the teacher? Mr. Welsh's face turned a bright shade of pink, and you could tell by the look in his eyes, that he was doing everything in his power to keep from shouting at the top of his lungs.

"There's one more seat in the back of the class Mr uhhh," Mr. Welsh said with an edge in his voice, "Parker."

Rolling my eyes, I looked down and started doodling all over my paper. Anything to avoid eye contact with this jerk. I wouldn't want to give anyone a bad look, especially on the first day of class.

"Hey man," the guy says with a deep voice that seems tug at my memory. "Move your shit." This guy better not be talking to me. Snickers spread through the class once again.

As I look up and see his face, my heart skipped a beat in unison with the memory that seemed to surface from the depth of my mind.

The nightclub

The motorcycle

Mystery man

"Ash." The words seemed to escape my mouth before I had any time to capture them.

The sides of his mouth pinched up and he gave off the same smirk that he did the day of the club. His face looked so different under the harsh lights of club the other night. This was the first time that I was actually taking a good look of his face, and I liked it. A lot.

"It's nice to finally see you again without you running off. Who knows? I might actually get to learn your name this time." He said with the cocky smirk plastered on his perfectly constructed face.

But before I could answer with my name, Mr. Welsh's voice intervened and beat me to the punch.

"Blake Johnson!" He bellowed as he took attendance, looking at the class roster. I raised my hand in response to demonstrate that the name belonged to me

"Ah, I see you're friends with Mr. Parker," he spoke with a hint of disgust in his voice. "This is gonna be an interesting year."

Great. It was only the first day and one of my teachers hated me already.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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