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"For the love of God, Sixie, I'm so fucking sorry," Vera Cox-Zimmerman mumbled as she opened the door, finding her daughter laying on the side porch, using the neighbor boys backpack as a pillow, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, ma," Six mumbled, sitting up slowly. Her back was killing her and her nose was already runny and freezing, but she felt alright for the most part. She was thanking God above for Eddie Kaspbrak and his jacket.

Vera Cox-Zimmerman was Six Zimmerman's mother, a very ditzy, very depressed woman. Or at least, that's how Six saw her. In reality, she was a shit mom with a drug and alcohol problem. But it was moments like this that Six lived for, the moments of sobriety she rarely saw in her mother.

Vera opened the door wider, welcoming her daughter in, "Well, go on and get dressed, I'll make you some breakfast"

She knew there was no point in apologizing anymore, what she'd done was done and she couldn't change it. The younger girl slugged her way up the steps, looking longingly at her bed. She wanted nothing more than to lay down and get some actual sleep, but even if her mother did let her stay home, she didn't want to. She didn't want to be home when her mother's boyfriend showed later in the day.

Tommy, Vera's new boy that she'd found in a club one town over in Jensen,  only ever came around after Six left for school, and Six made sure she stayed away from home until he'd leave again around 7. They didn't like each other very much, same with every other boyfriend Vera had.

Six quickly pulled off Eddie's jacket, sweats and socks, cramming them into the washing machine and hoping they'd be done in the hour and a half she had before she left for school. She sighed loudly as she slammed the top of the washer shut, leaning on it as she pressed the buttons lazily and made her way back to her room.

She pulled on a black, long sleeve shirt and a dark red cardigan over top of that. She tripped around her room and she struggled to pull on a pair of black jeans and some socks, putting on her necklace, the one she wore everyday before flopping down in her bed.

The hour she closed her eyes for felt like two seconds before her mother yelled for her to come downstairs, which she obliged to after she threw Eddie's clothes into the dryer for the last 30 minute she had.

"Now I know its not gonna help, but," Vera started as she plopped a bowl of Cheerios down in front of her daughter, leaving the milk pouring up to her, "But I am so sorry about last night, baby, honestly"

Six only weakly nodded, not bothering to pour any milk into her cereal. She wasn't very hungry at the moment.

Vera sighed, kneeling down on the floor next to the younger girl and grabbing onto her hand, "Sixie, honey please look at me"

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