~Chapter One~

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Forgot to explain that the execution games are just like the hunger games, where the 25 cats will all try to be the last one standing. It's a fight for survival and Tigerstar will also be releasing viscous dogs, wolves, foxes, badgers and adders into the arena. Wish the cats good luck! Or simply put "gl hf" in the comments section below •w•

Edited chapter

I shuddered as Mapleshade left the ThunderClan representative camp, slamming the thorn door. Apparently they had gotten that idea from twolegplace.

I looked over at Lionblaze and Cinderheart, who were drowsily sharing a plump vole.

Stormcloud-- the former kittypet named Frankie, was stalking around, supposedly practicing his hunting skills.

I sighed. That left Dustpelt, the previously dead tom who was brought back for the games.

He was busily munching on a squirrel, sitting on a small patch of luscious clovers.

I grabbed a fat mouse from the fresh kill pile that Mapleshade had set up and padded over to Dustpelt, dropping my mouse and sitting down.

He looked up at me, eyes teary.

"It must be hard to know that you only have a slim chance to see your mate and kits again." I mewed quietly,

"Y-yeah," He murmured,

I ran my tail down his flank in an attempt to comfort the brown tom.

"Mind if I eat with you?" I asked the dusty tom,

"Not at all, sit down." He replied,

I curled my tail around my body and sat down beside Dustpelt, taking a huge bite out of my mouse. Meanwhile, I was thinking of efficient strategies that I could use in the Execution games.

"Hey Dustpelt?"

"Yes?" He asked,

"I have an idea,"

The brown tom tilted his head,

"How about we join up together in the games and form an alliance?" I suggested,

Dustpelt seemed to nod,
"Sure, let's do it!" He exclaimed,

Once I was finished with my mouse, I licked my lips, and a wave of drowsiness swept over me.

"I think I'll be going to sleep," I mewed,
"Good night, Dustpelt."

"Night, Hollyleaf."

I trailed into a small patch of moss and laid down.

My eyelids heavy, I fell into a deep sleep, a world of black engulfing me.


As I awoke, a heavy feeling of dread crawled over me, I tried to shake it off but it lead to no avail.

After a few heartbeats passed, the door slammed open, revealing Shredtail's grumpy face and knotted pelt.

"Get up! Get up! The execution games are starting soon! Quickly, before I get Tigerstar!"

The five ThunderClan representatives got up silently. I fluffed up my thick midnight-black fur and shivered.

Once we were all up and ready, Shredtail flicked his tail and lead us out of the room.

We were padding on a bridge made of thick bark, and every once in a while, I lost my balance and almost fell into the looming abyss below. Shredtail had to haul me up, hissing in annoyance every time he had to do this.

I was kindaaa embarrassed as no other cat had that handicap.

At last, in what seemed like forever, we arrived at the end of the bridge. I slid my claws out of the tough bark and padded onto the flat grassy ground.

After taking a few steps forward, Shredtail stopped in front of a small pool of water so blue that it didn't even look like water; we all came to a halt.

The tom flicked his tail, "step into the water, and it'll teleport you to the starting arena."
I drew in a sharp breath. That didn't seem very possible.

"Each one of you, along with the other twenty contestants will have your own pedastool. If you step off your pedastool before Tigerstar announces the beginning of the games, a pressure pad will activate a mine which will blow you to shreds."

I shivered as Shredtail stepped back, beckoning for the five of us to step into the pool.
I placed a paw in the icily cold water, then another one, then another one, then all four of my paws were in the water.

The water swallowed me up, and I felt myself evaporating. It felt like I was being torn into a thousand particles and then rematerializing back into myself.

I looked below me and realized that I was on a raised pedastool. I turned my head around and saw all the contestants too on their pedastools. No cat dared dart off.

In the middle of these 25 pedastools was a cornucopia, with approximately 10 small packages wrapped in leaves. I wasn't planning on getting one, even if they did have good stuff in them. Too risky.

Tigerstar's body materialized in the middle of the cornucopia, he was grinning evilly.


I'm sorry for the late chapter, I've been busy with school and just life in general. Trust me guys, I hate myself more than you guys hate me when I update late. This is long overdue but I hope this chapter will make up at least 10% of the long wait.

Alright, now to the good news.
You guys are amazing! I was expecting like ten reads and zero votes. We're already at 30 reads and 3 votes! You guys are killing it!

I love you all and I hope to get the next update out ASAP.



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