Why Are Circles Round

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Q: Why are Circles round?

Are donuts circles?

A: No. Donuts have hole  in them, which makes them like, shot.. circles.

I could explain what a pancake looks like. Right here, right now..

    O <-- Boom.

Pancakes are easy to make, but then pouring them into a perfect circle requires skills, which I have not yet found. Oh, so donuts are pancakes. Just puffed up and someone punched a hole through it! :D See no difference!

The letter "O" (OH) Is a circle. Also the number "0" (zee-row) Is a circle. Which one came first, the letter or the number or the shape or the number or the.. etc. went on a while.

If I lived in a world of pancakes:

1: I would probably either be A. Healthy or B. Fat. It really could depend on what type of pancake I ate every day.

2: I would keep on trying to bounce on them everywhere but end up falling through, and people would be mad for putting holes in their roof/clouds/car/sidewalk/wallet/anything else.

3: I would end up hating pancakes and un-wish my "I wish the world was made of pancakes" wish.

Who came up with circles? I would like to thank the genius that did. Someday if I ever figure out who he/she is. I think it was God..? I don't know, I should ask someday when I'm dead, and tell you reader. Yah, YOU. Unless you are already dead cause then you would know already.


Why are circles Round

It it because they can't be,


I think they last forever,

but I can't really tell

because I don't k ow where it started and I really donut care

Why are pancakes,

also round?

Are they really fond of Circles

or is it just.. do do do

the new trend

Are donuts, really circles

or are they just an un proud circle

who went and got him shot

and now he's


Is my head,

ment to be a circle?

Is my head gonna last forever

or will it have an end

Is my head a circle or a phony oval thing

with a nose and stuff that stick out,

and don't make it round

Is a pizza a circle?

          No. End of song because pizza stepped out of bounds.


Pizza is not a circle. Because circles don't split into many different triangles. I mean, Who putts TRIANGLES on my circle. Person who made pizza I love you yet I secretly wish you would fall down a well. Triangles+circles=Mad Wennah. Also the auto-correct for "Wennah" is Germany. That's interesting. Wennarmany. COMBINED, BWOOSH.

Okay, pies are just like pizza. TRIANGLE!! Did the bakery and the whatever a pizza cooking place guy is called team up and make pie!? Was it ment to try and be like flavoured circles or something stupid like that? It would have been OK having flavoured cercs around but people, no triangles in my pie. Because that is MESSED UP.

Yep. I figured it out, Pizza and Pie and anything else that thinks triangles should emerge with circles are MESSED UP. THEIR MINDS ARE A BAG OF CATS AND THEIR LIFE, THEIR LIFE IS A TOILET!!

But having pie myself.. it doesn't taste that bad.. same with pizza. I should buy some circle cookie cutters for my pizza and pie!!! YUSS!! NO MORE TRICIRCS! I am adding that word to my dictionary. I have a mini dictionary. It's cute, I like small things like that because their cute. Like mini salt packets I just stop the top off and stick my tongue in. it's horrible, but that's a different thought. :3:3:3


See that little star right there? Yah that one. He's your Best Friend and he loves you. Every update he wants u to click him because that reminds him to love you. Also when you click him, make a wish. After all, he is a star and you can wish on stars. Make a wish..... now! :D It will come true now*°*°*°*°*°*°°°*°*°* Unless it's an unreasonable wish which would be impossible, or something out to destroy mankind and the world as we know it.. but if it's fine then wish away. *°*°*°*°*°*°*°

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