undertale sans x neko!reader

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Requested by @silverdawn123 (his username is tori)

Y/n p.o.v
           You've have been fallen in mount.ebott years ago and you still kinda didn't get to go or leave the ruins but toriel seems to let you go outside to get some fresh air. After leaving the ruins you explore the snowy place as you felt someone was following you. You then run away but stop on the bridge to get some air " h e y, d o n ' t y o u  k n o w h o w t o g r e e t a n e w, p a l. T u r n a r o u n d a n d s h a k e m y h a n d" you turn around at what the voice said, it sends chills down your spine . After turning around you shake his hand as you heard like a fart noise, then when it finish you burst out laughing same to the figure. You look at him and he was a skeleton wearing a blue jacket and a black shorts with a one stipes in the sides "hi I'm sans, sans the skeleton and you are?" Sans ask "I'm y/n knife to meet you sans" you made a pun as you giggled while sans laugh "that's a nice one"

Sans p.o.v
              "I'm y/n knife to meet you sans" y/n said, I laugh as she just giggle 'she's so cute I want to be with her, y/n has the beautiful f/c eyes and her hair is curly/short/long/straight and it was f/c hair and she has a neko f/c ears and f/c tail just like a cute little fluffy cat just to be perfect, she's so cute- wait!!! What ABM I thinking!? Ughhhh stop....*sign* but still I wanted her if anyone stole her from me they'd gonna have a BAD TIME ' after u/n laugh "that's a nice one" I response she then smiled at me I felt my face heat up 'she's so cute' "so wanna come with me on grillbys?" I asked, she nodded "but how?" " I know a short cut" I then carry him in bridal style "s-sans you do u don't have to c-carry me" y/n said with a blush across his face 'aww...she's cute' "what I wanted to" I said and teleport to grillbys

~ later ~

Y/n p.o.v
           I was on sans house for some reason I meet his brother, papyrus. Sans left the house with me and papyrus. "So human do you want to go on a date with me?" Papyrus said in an excitement tone "sure!!" I agree as we both start dating game


(Play theme)


Sans p.o.v
              I was on the big purple door outside, i then knock on it if anyone is inside "is that you" the lady ask "is this where y/n live?" I ask "um..yes" she response "could you do me a favor?" The lady added "will you protect him" "well it's my turn will you do me a favor, will you stay away from my y/n" "what do you mean" "well sweet dreams" I said as my left eye glowed as I heard a broken soul shatter in pieces, I teleport inside to see the bones with dust "hehe...nobody steal my y/n" I then clean up the dust amd when back home to hear y/n and papyrus on his room. I took a sneak peek to see....

Papyrus p.o.v
                 "Um...human...i-i must a-admit...I-I love you" I told to y/n as I blushed orange across my face "aww papyrus I love you too" y/n said and kiss me but I felt someone watching us. Y/n finally broke the kiss "um human I must go now me and undnye have a practice bye now human" "bye Papy" y/n said as I got outside my room but before I could took a step I felt a boney hand grabbed my shoulder and teleport me on a dark room "soo...paps you we're trying to steal my y/n aren't ya" sans said in a deep angry tone "w-what do you me-mean sans?" I asked sans in a scared tone "well paps sorry but your time ends now" sans said as his left eye glowed and attack me with his bones, I manage to dodge the bones but it hitted me on my soul making it shatter on pieces "bye paps sweet dreams" sans said as he summoned bones in the ground and launched it on me

Sans p.o.v
              I watched paps turn into dust as I stomp on it and teleport back home to see y/n sleeping on the couch, I let out a sign and sat besides him an kiss him on the lips as I whispered "your mine now y/n and if anyone hurt or steal your from me, I'll kill them...I love you y/n"

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