Jerk Charming

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My very first story on wattpad :)))))))


Elizabeth's POV

"No.No.No. No", I almost scream looking at the changing placards on the screen.

There it is. Flight AA 2893 delayed for two hours.

"Lizzie,maybe you could cut it down a bit", my best friend Tania tells me from her seat on my side. "It's a public place". She goes back to reading her book.

" Don't tell me ,you are totally okay with this shit", I say gesturing with my hands at the delay. I see a elderly looking man staring at me. I feel compelled to say sorry.Hey shit isn't that a big deal of a cuss word.

"When you have John green", she said pointing at the blue covered book "you will never be bored to death".

With black boots and ripped jeans my friend could be taken as a bad girl in the school,a girl smoking pots. She was a bad girl to an extent ,minus the pot of course.

Messing with her would be anybody's death wish.

Its a really weird sight when you see a bad girl reading John Green books. That too 'The fault in our stars'.

But I sit back on my comfortable airport chair(which is not so comfortable once you have been sitting on it for the last two hours) and stare at the passerby.

The JFK airport is a humdrum of activity. People rush to catch their flights and air hostesses and stewards are talking busily into their walkie talkies.

I look for a certain blonde. I see her careening towards us towards with three plates in her hand. I roll my eyes.

"What are you rolling your eyes at, blonde", my friend Tania says "you are just like her".

It was true to a extent. I looked like the splitting image of my aunt who in turn looks like my mother.And we were both butterfingers.

"Here", she says handing me the plate "eat. we have a lot of time to kill"

"Two hours", Tania says munching on the nachos.

"Why did you go outside the check in area? You could have just bought it from there", I point behind her.

She looks to see the snacks shop and said "Thanks for not telling me that earlier , Elizabeth".

"Doesn't need a genius to figure it out"

The way we talk most of the time,its hard for people to understand that she is my aunt not my sister and her flawless face leaves much more o the face dilemma. I on the other hand have a few acne problems.

"Stop bickering you two man child", Tania says dog marking her book "And look at the board".

My stomach sinks. Not again. Please dear lord. My feet were killing me and pacing around reduced to stares from at least a million people.

The placards displays new numbers.

Flight Flight AA 2893 20:15. Just forty minutes.

Bing Bang theory has been my savior today.

'Attention.Passengers of Flight AA 2893 are requested to board the plane through gate number 2. I repeat gate number 2'

That's the only great piece of new I have heard today. Besides that I am already behind my mastermind plan to break the marriage,the purpose why I am going to my dream city

Just on cue, my damsel-in-distress called. The one who needed saving.

"Hey dad", I said barely hiding my sullenness.

"Hey sweetie. I am really sorry you couldn't make the announcement",he says sounding genuinely sorry.

"It's okay dad", it almost makes me feel sad that my only motive in coming to London was to break his marriage rather than being a witness.Almost.

But I can't let my dad get slaughtered . He is being raised to the altar of a Satanic cult,marrying that devil Fiona.

"Fiona was so happy. I have never seen her so happy before", he says. I could tell he was smiling.

"and she's so terribly excited that you are coming. she has even prepared your and Tania's room", he continues

Oh no thanks dad. But I am not going to walk into the witch's trap. God knows what horrors would be awaiting there.

I gulp.

"Where are you know?", he asks noticing that I had gone silent

"Just going to board now", I say.

"Your aunt there", he asked.

"Yeah", I say looking at her. My dad and aunt Louise were not on the best of terms. They were actually the opposite.

My dad once told me that even when he was dating mom, back in high school, Aunt Louise didn't approve of him one bit.

The disdain still shows on her face till date. She even had no intention of coming with us.

She had arranged Aunt Elsa to take us but as luck had, she broke her arms just two weeks ago.

My aunt was not happy. Not happy at all.

It looked like she wanted to throttle dad. Like it was his fault that he was getting married and his daughter wanted to be present for the ceremony.

The said daughter who had double intentions.

I knew she would be happy if they didn't get married.

I mean Fiona used to be my mother's friend. It's almost like backstabbing. Though technically my mum and dad never got married.

Hey it could be a epic villain movie and I be the villain. the illegal daughter who breaks two lovers apart *insert evil laugh*.

But that didn't mean I was including her in my master plan.

I hold out the phone. She looks like she could puke rather than take the call. But she does talk anyway.

"Hey Mark", she says, her face contorted like she is tasting something bad.

My dad says something and then she hands the phone to me.

"Happy journey sweetheart".

"Meet you tomorrow ,dad"

I look out of the window of the Boeing. The wheels let out a sound which to be honest was a bit ominous to me in the dark.

We are comfortably settled and the attendant is showing how to adjust seat belts and stuff.

Some pervs were taking her photo. Including one beside me.He looked to be around my age.

Why is he travelling without adult supervision?

I bring my hands in front of the lens.

It ruined the photo. He looks like he could murder me.

"Sorry", I mutter.

The plane took off from the runaway and the plane tilted up and soon we were several feet above he ground. To b accurate 10,000 and ascending from the screen in front of me.

The voice of the pilot buzzed to life 'Good evening ladies and gentleman If the weather sustains we will be in London in the next twelve hours

We were off to London.

The perv wont let me look out of the window anymore.

Heya guys. what do you think? Dont be silent please speak up and let me know your thoughts :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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