Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to McQueen the dog

My summer is boring. Wake up late, watch telly, eat brunch, sleep, wake up, take a shower, computer, sleep and the cycle starts. How boring it is? So, how's everyone? 

Here's the most awaited part ladies and gentlemen! Sorry for the wait, writers block.

And announcement, for the fans of #ELSON i appreciate all the messages you guys sent and the advices are also well appreciated. And if you guys have a banner for #LBD that you guys wanted me to post on my chapter, feel free to do just message me here and I'll give you guys the details to where to send it :)

This chapter is dedicated to our dog, who died last month. :( We will miss you McQueen.


Chapter 13 Ladies and Gentlemen!

“You’re not going anywhere, you stubborn lady!”

“For Christ sake, I am not going anywhere!”

I tried not to zoned out and block her out of my sight. Lui has been my bodyguard since I stepped foot in the premises. When I say “bodyguard” it means literally! Heck, we could’ve changed body and faces.

“Then stop checking your god damned phone every five seconds as if you’re searching for an escape” Lui snapped.

“I am not!” I lied.

“Yes you are!”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“Am not!”

Okay! You guys cannot blame me. I am freaking over a damn message and I can’t stop looking over my phone. And it can’t be that every five seconds, right?

“Ladies…ladies...Let’s all calm down and talk this through” Karlo butted in waving his burger in his hand. That looks appetizing!

“Let’s all put this in hand” The dumb mediator walks in front of us. He looks at Lui for a second and raises his eyebrow expectedly.

“Oh!” Lui exclaims as if getting what he meant. “This paranoid little lady here” she motions a finger in front of me. “Was being out of herself since this morning, or since the day she lost consciousness”

“Maybe she hit her head pretty hard and forget that she needs to act accordingly and not some predator ready to pounce on something” Lui ended.

Maybe on someone. I thought

“I did not!” I lied I think? I don’t know if I hit my head because, hello? I’m unconscious that time, duh!”

“How would you know? You’re unconscious, right?” She retaliates.

“No-I mean yes! Argh! Stop messing my head Lui” I sigh in defeated.

“Okay! Now that we come in that matter, tell us what’s been circling around your pretty little brain of yours El?” Karlo finally said.


“I said, tell us what is inside your head”

Huh? Did he just repeat it?


 “Damn, did I say it out loud? Okay okay, uhm soft nervous tissues” I said, though I’m not sure with my answer.

“Seriously El?” He said deadpanned

“See! Look! She’s insane! Oh my, God that Mason guy corrupted her mind! He poisoned her! We gotta do something Kaloy!” Lui exclaims and a horrified looks on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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