Epilogue ☕

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"Lexi! Where the hell have you put my laptop!" Maya screams throughout the extravagant home, her voice echoing off the walls. She stands on top of the stairs, waiting for a reply off her girlfriend.

"I haven't touched it! Maybe you just left it somewhere!" She yells back to Maya, who huffs with her arms crossed over her chest childishly.

"No I haven't. You know I never move my equipment from the office! And Charlie hasn't been around in days so he couldn't have took it." The blonde takes large strides down the stairs, heading to her final destination which is the gym room, where Lexi was running on a treadmill.

Maya walks over to the treadmill and pulls the safety key out so the machine would stop, making Lexi give her, her full attention. "I swear to the holy father, I didn't take it." She places her hand on her chest, hoping her short girlfriend would buy it.

Maya raises a brow. "You don't believe in God, so give me my laptop back. Unless you want to say goodbye to your snapbacks, or maybe your leather jackets? I'll decide later" And with that, she spins on her heels and tries to walk out of the room. Keyword, tried.

She lets out a surprised yelp as she is pulled into Lexi's sweaty body as the taller hugs her. "No, I'm sorry. I'll tell you where your laptop is, just don't hurt my precious babies."

Maya lets out a string of giggles, not seeing Lexi smile in adoration. "Fine. Now, where is it? I have work to do."

"But can't you stop working for one day? Ever since you started a month and a half ago, you haven't stopped. People would think you loved work more than you love me." Lexi pouts. She puts her phone on the table beside them when Maya turns around.

"I would never love anything more than I love you, don't worry." Maya stands on her tippy toes and kisses Lexi's lips softly before pulling back. "And I promise, I will spend all of today with you if you give me my laptop."

"Top shelf in the bedroom." Lexi smirks after seeing Maya's glare.

"Come and get it for me. Now" Grabbing onto Lexi's wrist, Maya starts pulling her up to their room. Yes their room. They are now sharing a room.

They both walk back up the stairs and go into their room, Lexi instantly reaching the top shelf and pulling down Maya's work laptop.

Before Maya has the chance too grab it, the taller holds it above her head.

"Come on, give it!" Maya stomps her foot childishly.

Shaking her head slightly, Lexi tells her. "Ah, ah. You can have it...if you spend some time with me for the full day! Not just some of the day. Your work can wait until tomorrow."

With a groan, Maya responds to her girlfriend. She was going to anyway, it was just more fun and amusing this way. "Okay, okay. Now give." She snatches the laptop back as Lexi feigns hurt. "You are so rude to me. How do I put up with you?"

"Awe, poor baby. Now, since you're dragging me away from working, what are we doing?"

"We're going on an adventure."

It started in a Coffee shop  {✔COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now