Don't Say You Love Me

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Lauren groaned, the light shining far too brightly into her eyes. She opened them with reluctance then smiled as she recalled the events of the night before.

However, the rush of happiness spreading through her disappeared as she rolled over and found a distinct lack of Camila beside her.

Her heart sank.

Sure, they'd only kissed, but she'd thought that it had meant more this time. That Camila really cared.

Now that she was looking at the empty space beside her, she wondered if she'd assumed incorrectly.

She sighed and shook her head. She was being ridiculous. There had to be an explanation. Camila wouldn't just leave her here for no reason. Things were different now. They were different now.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up more rapidly. It was then that something caught her eye on the other side of the room.

Pulling on her hoodie, she ran a hand through her hair in an attempt to tame it and walked over to the desk. Camila's laptop was open, the logon screen further illuminating the space around her. Lauren shook her head, mentally chastising herself for doubting Camila at all, as she read the note that was propped against the screen.

"In case you wake up while I'm gone, I'm just grabbing breakfast. There's something you should watch on my laptop. My password is 041614.
Camz xxx
P.S. I'm more than crazy about you, Lauren Jauregui."

As the words sunk in, Lauren was sure she was floating somewhere far above the hotel room. The fact she was getting them breakfast, the significance of Camila's password, her adorable postscript... It was all combining and resulting in what felt like an acrobatic display inside her stomach. The grin on her face spread even further (although she didn't think it possible) when she entered the password and found a video file titled, 'I'll Never Be The Same'.

Settling herself on the chair, she double clicked the file and watched eagerly as the first notes of Camila's next single began to play. As soon as it came into view, Lauren recognised the scenery on the screen in front of her. It was her favourite beach back in Miami.

It was in that moment that Lauren realised Camila hadn't really divulged much information about this video. In fact, whenever they'd been texting and Lauren had brought it up, Camila always seemed to change the subject. She began to wonder why. After all, they used to go to that beach together all the time when they were back home. Wasn't it a bit weird that Camila hadn't thought to mention that she'd been filming there?

Her mind, however, became distracted as she saw Camila walking along the beach. The lyrics to the first verse played in the background while it showed various close ups of Camila either singing or staring into the camera with a look that made Lauren's stomach swirl.

Let go of the wheel it's the bullet lane
Now I'm seeing red, not thinking straight
Blurring all the lines, you intoxicate me

As the song shifted and built towards the chorus, the location changed and Camila was walking through an empty building. The lighting was dark and it took Lauren a few more seconds before she realised that, once again, she recognised exactly where Camila was. It was the Nokia Club.

Watching on as Camila sat on the edge of the stage, guitar in hand, a thought entered Lauren's mind. She immediately began dismissing it but, as the lyrics to the chorus kicked in, her thought became more stubborn.

It's you, babe
And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe
And I could try to run but it would be useless
You're to blame
Just one hit, you will know I'll never be the same

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