Happiness and rainbows

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     My name is Aristotle. Aristotle Robinson. Robinson. Robinson Aristotle. I am a boy who thinks Roman gods are real. I do get teased at school, and I do think that I am the son of Jupiter. I always could see things in my dream. The fields of punishment. Pluto, Neptune, and Jupiter cutting up Saturn. Saturn cutting up his dad Uranus. Gaea tempting Saturn to cut up his dad. Weird visions. Really weird visions.

I have a friend named Greg, and I am "friends" with this girl called Katherine or just Kat. Lastly, there is Jaiden. I am saying I am "friends" with Kat is because we hang out a lot and maybe we are a couple. I also think Greg is hitting on Jaiden.

     It was the 22nd of June when things had changed. I was walking down the park, holding hands with Kat. Greg is holding hands with Jaiden when a worm rolled out of the ground. It wasn't just any earthworm, it was 5 feet in diameter, 8 feet tall and probably three times as heavy as a blue whale.

Kat's fingernails dug deep into my hand. None of us could speak. I felt the urge to tackle the beast, but then realized what kind of things the thing could do to me. I felt in my pocket for some kind of weapon. Nothing except my asthma inhaler. I took it out and took a puff. As soon as I did that. The inhaler transformed into a Kopis. A Kopis is a blade that is about thirty-six inches long and probably is a dangerous weapon. I thought I didn't know how to use it, but everything came naturally. Slice, step, jab, step, cut, step, repeat. Soon, the worm had gashes all over its body. Golden blood flowed out, the blood of immortals.

How can I kill this? Did I keep at it for maybe 10 minutes? It was tiring. The Kopis is a heavy weapon. I started to slow down. The worm just seemed to get more mad. I thought the life I had before, was definitely happiness and rainbows. Rainbows. Rainbows! I ran over to the fountain and threw a quarter in. "Arcus, save me from this worm. Please?" As soon as I finished my sentence, a rainbow with blinding light struck like a lightning bolt. As the dust settled, He saw a giant crater and no monster. Just golden blood.

Kat, Greg, Jaiden, and I stood in shock for several minutes. We probably wouldn't stop unless Jupiter andArcus came from the clouds. They looked like regular people. Well, regular people in the Roman ages. Jupiter was wearing a robe with lightning bolts over it. Arcus was literally a rainbow. Her dress was a rainbow. You couldn't look at her for over five seconds, you will go blind.

"Aristotle," Jupiters boomed, "You'll need to come with us. We are going to.....this place" I started to not like my "dad". "What about Kat?" I asked. "Oh her, uhhhh oh yes! Take her too." Jupiter said and he disappeared into a lightning bolt. Before I can ask anymore, I looked up and the rainbow transported me to "this place."                                                                                                                       When I first got there, I was amazed. There were kids everywhere. Cabins everywhere, and basically just craziness. The cabins had names, like owners. I read the names: Nemesis, Minerva, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Arcus, Apollo, Vulcan, Mercury, Venus, and Bacchus. The Bacchus cabin smelled of grapes, the Mercury cabin smelled like letters, the Neptune statue smelled of saltwater and if you go near the Jupiter cabin, you can almost feel the static.

     When you go into the tunnel leading into the mess hall, you can see the war loot: A head, broken swords, a helmet that has an SPQR branded to it. Senātus Populusque Rōmānus. Romans. Uh, the horrors of war. I walked into the mess hall. There were hundreds of plates all filled with mash potatoes, roast beef, sweet potatoes, and cheeseburgers. Anything you would ever want in this little camp.

     As I got changed into a fresh T-shirt and jeans in the locker room, I came out and walked into the Jupiter cabin. Before I can walk in the doorway, a giant bolt of electricity shot into my stomach. I was not welcomed here. "Hey, little dude! You're not claimed!" this guy said. Oh. Have you to get claimed? Well, I'm not living here then.

     I stayed in the mess hall until dinner. At dinner, I ate a couple slices of roast beef, some mash potatoes, and a cheeseburger. As dinner ended, a shadow descended from the roof and touched me. As soon as it touched me, I feel the change. My Kopis transformed into a glow stick. I cracked the glow stick and it turned back into the steel Kopis. I'll go to Neptune's cabin to let them wash my Kopis that was stained with the immortal golden blood.

     I was claimed by Pluto. God of the underworld. Oh no. Pluto, probably the most hated god of all time. I first went to the Neptune cabin to wash my Kopis, then I started heading for my cabin. Pluto. As soon as I walked in, a wolf trotted across the cabins, for she was a shadow. "Woah." I stuttered out. "Oh, finally Pluto claimed someone!" the wolf said. "You...you can talk!" I shouted. "I can. I'm Lupa. Trainer of Remus and Romulus."

     Lupa and I trotted along the trail, talking about the great fight that Remus and Romulus had, and the creation of Rome. Lupa sighed, "Sons of Mars never get along." I felt bad. She trained Remus and Romulus for so long, only to find one of their bodies on the ground. "Lupa, are you a daughter of Mars?" I asked. "No, I am a god."                                                                                                                        I was sleeping peacefully in the shadows of Pluto's cabin when I heard muffled sobbing from outside. I walked outside to see Kat crying with her head in her shirt. "What's wrong?" I asked. "They didn't sort me," she replied. I knew the disappointment. When I was sorted into Pluto's cabin, I also felt the need to cry. I sat down with her and put my arm around her shoulders. She put her head on my shoulders and that was how we slept for the first day of camp.

      At morning, a goat walked towards me and woke me up. "Ahhhhhh! Goat!" I screamed, waking Kat up. "Actually, I am a faun." the goat said like he was treated like this every day. "Hello, Mr.Faun, can we have something to eat?" Kat asked politely. "Go straight and take a left." the faun grunted and walked away to munch on some pine needles.

     At the mess hall, I saw hundreds of nymphs cleaning plates, bowls, and silverware. The nymphs were simply dazzling. I wondered if they are secretly daughters of Venus. Eros, Venus, and Vulcan statues were everywhere. I wondered if this place wasn't dedicated to the great gods, but to smaller gods such as Vulcan, Nemesis, Eros, et cetera. I pulled out a chair and sat down. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" My rear end was scolding hot. I immediately jumped up and asked the nearest nymph what happened. "Are you a son of Vulcan?" she asked. "No. I'm the son of Pluto." I responded. "Eeek!" the nymph cried and disappeared into a pile of sawdust.

     A woman walked in the mess hall at that moment. "I'm Juno. Wife of Jupiter." Was she really the queen of gods? "Honey, you have to sit at the Pluto table!" she said sweetly but sternly. I walked over to the table that was hovering and I tried to sit down. The moment I sat down, I turned into a shadow. The food was shadowed too. Pluto must love shadows. Then Juno turned to Kat. "Whose goddess or god is your parent?" she asked. "I don't know," she replied, obviously scared. "Ah. Wonderful." Juno said happily. "CLAIM THIS GIRL NOW!" Juno yelled, and as soon as she said that, Kat fell to the ground clutching her stomach. "Ah. Yes, Nemesis." Juno said and disappeared into a cloud of dust that smelled of perfume.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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