"Time Pains and Confusion"

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It had been only a couple days since they left the present, But for Zack, Bell, and Wendell, it had been forever. Wendell was the first to wake up.

"What happened?" Wendell painfully thought. For Wendell, the recent events of the last few hours was nothing but a blur. Though his head was killing him, he got up,and remembered the past. One moment, He, and his most trusted person (On Earth anyway) Bell were being hustled by some kid into a rusty old pickup truck. The next, they were being chased by Spanish conquistadors through a harbour. Then, a bolt of lightning hit the truck, and for some reason, the lightning caused a shockwave that went through the truck, and he presumed, knocked all of them out. He didn't bother wondering why the shockwave happened, as his head hurt too much. He hadn't noticed someone else woke up.

"Ow..." Moaned a voice in the driver's seat. Zack had woken up because he overheard Wendell's mumbling. Zack was also suffering a headache, and was also thinking of the past events. Wendell noticed that Zack was awake and so, he spoke to him.
"Hello" Wendell groaned.

"Hi" Zack groaned back. Zack asked, Are you okay?" Followed by a grunt,

"Ugh..." Wendell replied,
"I'm fine... I hope"
Zack sighed,

"That's good. I wish I felt the same" Wendell suggested,

"Let's rest for a bit, get these headaches to pass"
"Good idea" Zack replied. As they rested, Another person had woken up.

"My gosh..." Complained a third voice coming from beside Wendell. Bell had not thought of anything else besides her headache, after she had woken up.

"My head feels like it was hammering nails... Ow..." She complained. Zack heard Bell's words and he then talked to her.

"Good, you're alive" Zack sighed, relieved. "You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine" replied Bell. Bell was going to keep talking, but she was interrupted by Wendell,

"Ok, enough complaining about headaches, let's talk about something actually important"

"Like what?" asked Zack, having recovered.

"How did we get in this situation in the first place" answered Wendell, emphasizing on "first place"

"Oh come on" complained Zack" all I did was travel to Peru in 1533, you guys just happened to be there-"and then he was interrupted by Bell. She argued,

"We just happened to be there? You were the one who we found"

"I wasn't done talking" Zack replied, "Anyway, I picked you guys up, thinking,
"Shoot, the government is baiting me" "Then, the Spanish gave chase. Lightning struck the truck, and now we're here" Zack explained.

"What do you mean your being chased by the government?" Bell asked, confused, "We're the wanted ones here"

"Incase you haven't noticed by now, this truck is a time machine" Zack yelled.
"The government were experimenting on time travel using this prototype device, but it failed, and scrapped it. It, along with an old truck, were quickly moved from the testing site. Lucky me just happened to find after it arrived at the junkyard. I bought it, and figured out how to time travel soon afterwards" Zack explained. "I had no idea they had another device" Zack pointed out. "I have no idea how they got the device to function, or why you two ended up being the test subjects"

"That makes no sense" commented Bell. "Wendell, care to explain?" asked Bell.

"Fine, but only because none of us expected to end up here" Wendell begrudgingly answered. "Well, as you will now know, your vehicle isn't the only time machine. To be honest, I don't understand how this vehicle exists, considering the circumstances" Wendell explains. He then pulls an object out of Bell's pocket. "This timepiece holds all the necessary circuitry for time travel" Wendell explained. Wendell hands the timepiece to Zach. "Be careful" Wendell warns. "That shockwave may have reset the programming on the device, so if you activate it, you may end up deceased" Wendell explained.

"Jeez, this little thing is a time machine?" Zack asked, shocked. "I didn't know the functions of time travel could fit on something this small" Zack added.

"Yes it is, believe it or not" Wendell answered. "And you're right, it isn't possible to have a time machine at this scale... with human technology that is" Wendell explained. "To be honest, I didn't think humans could achieve time travel at any scale" Wendell added.

"What do you mean "with human technology"?" Zack asked, intrigued.

"Well, this is alien technology" Wendell answered simply. "I was formerly a leader in a research team for an alien tech conglomerate known as "Dashkuu" which when translated, means "The Industry" I was actually thinking Dashkuu kidnapped you, and sent you to us against your will. I was also wondering why there was an old vehicle you were driving, but I guess I know why now" Wendell told Zack." Anyway, back to what I was saying. It was surprising to us that developing time travel only took a mere 350 Years. When we has finished the prototype, it was tested in front of the CEO of Dashkuu. The test was passed with flying colours. We were then handed our payment and escorted out of the laboratories, but in a manner that seemed suspicious to me. I decided to sneak into the planning room of the headquarters of Dashkuu. I had then discovered their plans to take over all planets that can sustain, and have organic life, using the time machine to send all living species into the supernova of their planet's star. Completely full of hate, I stole the time machine, and raced to the nearest planet with a sentient species, which happened to be earth. Unfortunately, I also attracted security from Dashkuu, and they've been after me ever since. I made an alliance with Bell on accident, but she ended up being one of the most important people I've ever met. We were investigating something in Peru when we ran into you. Now we're here" Wendell told.

"Wow" Zack exclaimed, amazed, "This is a lot to take in" Bell then suggested, "I know it's a lot, Zack. How about we just rest for now, considering all thats happened recently, and we need to know where we are, after the shockwave had made the truck malfunction, sending us who-knows-where"

"I agree" replied Wendell.

"Me too" replied Zack.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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