The Cheater

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Once there was a boy named Lukas who was leaning against his locker on a Monday morning while a girl named Brittney who was staring at him. He saw her and went over to her.

"Hey" said the boy. "Oh! H-hi, I definitely wasn't staring at you" the girl said. The boy laughed. "What's your name?" The girl asked. "My name is Lukas what about you?" The boy answered. "My name is Brittney". "Do you wanna be friends?" She said. "Sure!" He said back. So they talked until they entered mathematics. They waved good-bye to each other and went into their classes.

After class it was break time so Brittney and Lukas could talk more. "Hey so I know we just met and stuff but...I-I really like you and think your cute" He said. Brittney was speechless. "...umm I-I feel the same way" She said. "Really?". "Yes" She answered. Lukas didn't know what to do so he just kisses her on the lips. "Oook!" She said. Lukas felt bad for kissing her.


A couple of months later Brittney and Lukas were dating. Lukas would always text her good morning every time she woke up, but this morning he didn't in fact he didn't text her at all today. She was confused and worried. She decided not to worry and just look out her window but when she did hey eyes were filling up with tears. She saw that Lukas was kissing Brittney's enemy, MaKinzie. She ran to her room, grabbed some rope and made a whole where a neck goes.

She wrote a note before putting her neck through the hole. She kissed the note and stuck her head through the hole. She cried a lot as she was hanging from her neck. Lukas heard her crying and went upstairs to her room and saw the note that she had wrote. It said ~Dear Lukas~ I don't know why you would kiss MaKinzie, she is my enemy. And I still love you but not as much anymore, I love you all. Love, Brittney. He saw Brittney hanging but he didn't care at all, he just laughed and went back to kiss MaKinzie. "Brittney took my heart but not as much as you took it" He said to MaKinzie. "Aww your so sweet Lukas!" Makinzie said.

"I love you so much" Lukas said.
"I love you too" MaKinzie said.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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