Act II--Intiation

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1. Trials 

Stewie and his master peter goes on another mission to fight the chicken to get revenge on him. And when they meet the chicken but before they fight peter trains stewie some moves to fight the chicken. And when hes alredy done training the chicken surpise attack them and kills the master with his bared claws. Also stewie must find the chicken to fight before he gets away and he chases him into the woods and when stewie follows the chicken into the woods he loses the chicken and then he loses the place he went into the woods.  

2. Approach: 

 The chicken goes into hiding and scared stewie to make him run away into the dark woods and when the chicken realizes stewie ran fast he couldnt catch up to him and stewie stops running he takes a break and sleeps and when the chicken finds him he picks him up and takes him out of the woods by  draging him 

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