Act II--Initiation

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The boat docked in the Amazon. It was a very stormy day.

" A bad storm approaches." Said Leo silently to himself.

" Looks pretty stormy we should find our hotel quick" Screamed Mackenzie over the wind.

At that moment it started to rain like cats and dogs.

" I hope it doesnt last to long. We need to find some shelter before we get blown away. Maybe that abanden looking hut." Said Mackenize.

" Your right young grass hopper. I'll go in and look around to make sure its not inabited." Said Leo over the wind.

" Just yell if there is a problem!" Yelled Mackenzie

" All clear come on in!"

Mackenzie walked into the small dark cold place. There was a creepy feeling to the place, but it was better then being out in the storm. Then out of know where a figure jumps out.

"You are an enemy of Ulysses. I will now take you hostage." Said the creepy figure.

" Oh my goodness!"Screamed Mackenzie.

"Mackenzie we can take him just remember what I taught you." Said Leo.

Mackenzie takes the creatures horns and flips him over. She then shoots him with lighting. The creatures lies dead on the floor on the old abandon Hut.

"Very good form Mackenzie you just need to work on your footing and your aim." Said Leo

" We should leave before anymore of these things come for us. Where should we go I don't think we can go to the hotel." Said Mackenzie

"Good point, I think I know an old friend that might let us stay there. Said Leo.

"Great how far is it?" Asked Mackenzie

"Not far from here. We could also train there." Said Leo

They make there way through the storm little by little till at last they are there. They approach the little but cozy looking house and the knock at the door.

"Hello, oh well hi there Leo. What brings you way out here, and who is she?" Asked Leo's friend.

After introducing Mackenzie to Leo's friend Leo and Mackenzie start training in the under ground training room.

"At least were out of the storm." Said Mackenzie

" We just need you to master lighting and we will be all set. Now watch closely, and make sure to aim or it could end badly. You must be ready to fight Ulysses in two days top ." Said Leo.

" No pressure." Said Mackenzie

Mackenzie gathered the lighting in her finger tips and aimed at the target and shot.It hit right in the canter.

"Great job my young grass hopper. We shall start our journey to Ulysses in the morning." Said Leo proudly.

" I don't think I am. Said Mackenzie

"But you are young grass hopper."

The next morning they were on there way to Ulysses fortress. They were there in a matter of days.

"This is it Mackenzie. No pressure! We've just been training for this for months." Said Leo

"Oh that makes me feel better." Said Mackenzie with a sigh.

"Don't worry I'll be here the whole time and just remember what I taught you. Said Leo.

At that they ran in the fortress and went to the throne room of Ulysses. They got the first glimpse of him. His dark beady eyes staring at them.

" How dare you enter my fortress." Said Ulysses.

" We have come to put an end to your reign of destruction Ulysses." Said Mackenzie.

At that Ulysses shots fire at Mackenzie but misses by a few inches. Just a few second after Mackenzie fires back lighting strike giving him a hair cut.

"How dare you fire back at me." Said


"You can't win this fight.!" Said Mackenzie

" I won't lose to a little girl." Said Ulysses.

Ulysses fires a cage of fire around Mackenzie.she is trapped with know where to go. To her it seems that all hope is lost and she feels that she has lost this battle. She has forgotten all about Leo she totally forgot he was here. Leo took action immediately. He starting chanting a spell that would take off the cadge.

"Hurry Mackenzie fire at him!" Yelled Leo.

At that moment Mackenzie lets out a bolt of light that hit him directly in his foot.

"Curse you Mackenzie!" Yelled Ulysses

" A good man knows when to surrender" Said Leo

" Okay I will surrender. You should be very honored that you beat me Mackenzie. Said Ulysses

After that Mackenzie and Leo took Ulysses to a high security prison on a remote island up north near North Pole. There he couldn't shoot fire.

"Mackenzie for your braver and your honor I would like to give you this lightening bolt necklaces. It is a real lightening bolt it gives you strength in times of need." Said Leo.

" Thanks I'm just happy I beat him, I was really worried there for a couple of seconds. I couldn't have don't it without you." Said Mackenzie

" You are the one who took him down young grass hopper. You have learned well." Said Leo

"How does this lightening bolt help. What does it do?" Asked Mackenzie

"I told you already it gives strength like it makes your lighten stronger,and more deadly." Said Leo

"Oh. Is like an on switch or something?"

"No you must learn to use it on your own." Said Leo

Ulysses is now in a high security prison with three guards watching him at every hour of the day and night. Mackenzie will soon return to her very protective father in a few days.

Act 2 (936) words

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