Shot 4

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Episode starts from sanskar going to swara's home...sanskar goes in and calls out her name " swara...swara....swara..."...

Yaz and shomi came there..
Yaz : sanky swara ghar me nhi hai...
San : than...
Sho : arey she went to goa for collage trip...dont u know...
San : nhi bua she didnt tell me.
Yaz : she will return day after tomarrow...
San : ok...
Sho : come beta lets have bf...

All sits on the table...sanskar takes his plate...
San : yaz take that swara...( he said swara instead of chapathi )
All laughs sanskar bcm embarassed...
Sho : han han yaz put some swara in his plate and pour some swara in his glass...

Sanskar ran from there in embarassed and leaves frm there all giggles...sanskar goes to swara's room...he sees swara in the mirror, on the table,in the table...he ran out from the house...


Sanskar was sitting in his table...and seeing swara's eyes in his monitor...just than laksh came...sanky try to hide it but laksh caught his hands...

La : hahan buddy...kya chalre...
San : nothing lucky....
La : buddy i said na this is much more than friendship...
San : hmm yeah lucky i think so....
La : oh god buddy u r blushing yaar....

San : ( blushingly ) lucky...( omg i ll faint...)
La : omg buddy u fall in love...
San : is this love...??
La : i m sure buddy...propose her today itself...
San : yr she is in goa...she ll be back day after 2mrw...
La : oh thats y my buddy is upset....
San : hmm
La : dont worry buddy u just think about ur ms.cousin than days will flew like this...
San : i think so...


Sanskar bought a rose boquet...he goes to railway station to pick up swara...he was waiting for swara near a stall...he got shocked as well as jealous to see sahil coming swara...talking and giggling with her while taking her bags...

Sanskar clutches his fist and leaves from there in anger...he goes to beach and thinks sometime...he decides that why he would be jealous of him after all swara is his cousin...he determine to confess her...

Next day sanskar went to swara's home...he went near stairs and saw swara coming with sahil from her room...swara saw him...

Swa : hey y u didnt come to station...
San : an impo work...
Saw : hmm ok and this is my friend sahil...
Sah : han i know this hero...
San : han we met in delhi..
Swa : hmm intrezting...
San : by the way how do u know him...
Swa : han actually he is ritu's brother...
San : oh ok....

Swa : and yeah he not like u sahil is staying here...and now we r going to library are u cmning or not...
San : hmm no u go...
Swa : ok bye...

Saying so swara leaves from there in bike with day sanskar meets swara in beach and asks about sahil...

Swa : wo sanskar he loved ritu's friend but she had married someone else...he bcm drunkand due to i thought if he came here it will be a change for him...u ll also help me na...waise how do u know him....
San : han wo ( he said about their match and meeting )
Swa : acha leave all that sanskar he is not like that friendly with him....
San : ok swara...come i ll drop u...

Saying so they goes to swara's home...he is parking the bike but swara ran in...sans parks the bike and goes in...and didnt found anyone...he goes to swara room...and found it dark...soon he hears the sweet voice....

Swa : happy birthday to u...happy birthday to u...happy birthday to dear cousin...happy birthday to u...

Sanskar turns and sees swara standing holding a cake...she signs him to come near her...he blows off the candle...

Swa : i made it for u...
San : is it...

Swara nods sanskar cuts the cake...and feeds her...she feeds him too...

Swa : acha tell me birthday boy what do u want as ur gift...
San : i will tell u come lets go for a ride...
Swa : hmm wait i will change and come...
San : smiles

Than after sometime both went for a drive at middle sanskar stops the bike...
Swa : kya hua...
San : u asked me about gift...can i ask it now...
Swa : hmm ok
San : i love u swara, i need u..

Said sanskar without turning and absorbing her reactions through mirror....

Swara gets down from the bike and was about to go...but stops hearing sanskar....

San : swara i asked u something...
Swa : i know sanskar but i dont have that type of feelings towards u....i mean i love u as a friend but love...sorry sanskar....

Saying so she was about to go..

San : swara...wait i said i love u and u rejected thats it but our friendship is still there...come i will drop u at home....

Swara smiles and sits on the bike...he drops her at home and went to see laksh....

Sanlak was drinking alcohol in sans flat...

La : kya hai buddy.. she rejected u and u droped her at home...thats it...
San : han tho mai kya karon...i love her that doesnt mean she will also love me...i wont force her...i want to be with her thats it....
La : wowwww wowww what a mahan u r....acha ok now swara is infront of u what will u do...

Sanskar getsup with a jerk duet to which the bear bottles fell down...

San : hi swara, tum yahan kaise...acha ok i m drunk i dont think i can ride the bike...shall i give u the keys u go by the way do u know how to ride bike...

Sanskar says dialogue....Saying so sanskar sits down laksh sees him with O mouth...

San : thats it...i truly love her lucky...what will i get by scolding her, by attacking her, i have her friendship thats it...
La : swara is unlucky,buddy....
San : no lucky i m unlucky...

Next day sanskar goes to swara's home..she is not at home...he sees her room which fully dirty...he starts to clean her room...sahil came there while drinking the tin bear...he sat on the table...

Sah : sanskar be carefull i also did all this for my love but she..
San : sahil what will u get by drinking like this...
Sah : fall in love and once that girl rejects u , u will also be like me only....
San : smiles and leaves...


Sanlak is sitting in their table..suddenly manager gave an announcement

Man : my lovely staffs listen here....she is ms.ragini d'souza she worked in our rival agency but now she is going to work in our company...

Sanskar getsup and smiles seeing ragini...everyone gives boquet and congrats her...she came near sanskar...

San : hi ragini , long time no see...
Rag : hmm wo kya hai na..i dont like the peoples who dont like me...and i dont like to speak with the people who dont like better dont talk to me...

Saying she left to her cabin...sanskar shrugs his shoulder and left to his table...

hey guys i tried to complete it today but there is much more so nxt epi will be last....

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