The Last Smile

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It was 8:30 in the evening. Yuusuke was on his way home from work.

--• AAH! Man, that was tiring! Well anyway....Its a holiday tomorrow. I should go get my cycle repaired. I wonder what I should make for dinner..•--

Yuusuke was a 17 year old teenager and lived in the town of Yokohama by himself. He went to the Sakuragaoka High School. He goes for part-time job in a convenience store which is a little away from his home. Usually, he rides a bike to and fro but since his cycle got punctured , he has to walk. Yuusuke has to pass in front of his high school to get home.

--•Sheesh....i Hate cycling past the school. Now i have to WALK before it. Its so damn creepy in the evening. I should've watched where I was going yesterday, or this wouldn't have been the situation......................Damn it. theres the gate. •

--Hey..looks like someone dropped their phone there.--

As Yuusuke was nearing the school gates, he saw a black mobile phone lying on the ground. He goes over to it and picks it up.

•WoW! This looks like a brand new phone! Who would handle this new phone so carelessly ?! Weird....•

He takes out his own phone, which is a pretty old model of the same brand, and compares the two mobiles. As he does so, the strange phone starts ringing.


--wait....I know this ringtone .. I've heard it somewhere...... Got it! It's Beep Beep by Girl's Generation. Must be a girls' mobile.--

*Answers the phone*

"Moshi moshi?"


"Hello? Excuse me but it seems the person you're trying to reach dropped their phone. Could you tell them that?"

Finally, a female voice responds.

~"okay...........|long pause| What will you do now?"~

" Thank you......Oh I haven't thought about it. Can you suggest something?"

~" I'll know what to do. You just keep the phone on the ground where you found it. Leave the rest to me"~

" Huh? Bu-"

| CLICK. peep. peep. peep. peep |

•What? She kept the phone? • (•_•)

• Should i really leave the phone here? what if someone else takes it? •

--I look to my right, the mobile in my hand, and realize that I'm standing right between the open gates of the school. A chill runs down my spine. I feel like I'm being watched by someone .... or something-- ('•~•')

Suddenly , as to make the atmosphere even creepier, a strong wind blows : making the school gates move a little. The moving gates make a strange and scary creaky noise.

--EH?! What's with the sudden winds!? It was dead just a minute ago!--

The phone rings again... This time, the ringtone seems to be louder.

--I stare down at the phone in my hand..... I don't remember increasing the volume or why is it loud? I answer the phone and hear the same raspy female voice again.--

~"why haven't you left the phone yet !!?? Leave the phone and go home! "~

| CLICK. peep. peep. peep. peep |

•what the hell was that? this girl must be joking. •

--Great. I still didn't ask her why. This is pathetic. I can't take it home or i'll be in trouble. But i can't just leave it lying here either. Ugh....--

--I was puzzling over what to do when I felt a really cold wind blow on my back.--


--I immediately turn around , to find nothing there. I clutch the phone in my hand. It feels so cold..... This is getting weirder and weirder minute by minute.--

Just then, Yuusuke hears footsteps a little away behind him. He turns around but can't see anything in the dark alley behind him.


The footsteps sounded like it was coming closer and closer. Suddenly , they stopped. Yuusuke found himself staring at nothing when the lamps started flickering back on.

--FRICK. I swear I could hear real footsteps. Where did they go? I nervously look at my watch, 9:45 oh my god. its so late already!....FRICK it. FRICK it all to hell!! I'm gonna leave this crappy thing right here and go back to my safe and cozy home RIGHT. NOW.--

He's just about to keep the phone down when someone calls again, this time, theres no ringtone. It's vibrating in his hand and there's a number : the same number : on the screen.

--I'm just about to leave that piece of shit on the ground when it rings. No. Vibrates again. It has the same number on the screen. I answer the phone one last time and was just about to open my mouth when the female voice , even raspier , talks really low --

~" haven't left the phone even now, huh? Well your time is up. Don't try to run. It'll be no use. She'll catch no matter what.....I warned you. But you didn't go. Now, NOW you shall regret it for all your life!! oh wait. You just lost it."~

| CLICK. peep. peep. peep. peep |

•wtf?! what's wrong with this woman?! And.......and what did she mean by i lost it? What did she mean when she said i lost life?! •

-- I stand under the street lamp when it started flickering. I look up.

•The bulb seems to be fusing.•

--I was about to look away when I saw something through the corner of my eye. My whole body freezes. I start sweating like hell.--

•Why ?! why me?! what is that behind me ?!?! Im sweating like crazy over here. But wait......why is my sweat turning cold and drying off so fast!?•

--I slowly turn around. I see a girl with short black hair, looking down, standing a little away from me. She looks like my age. She is wearing a light blue dress which reaches below her knees. The dress looks like it has red lines and circles on it. Her skin is fair. Very fair. Actually , her skin in a little too fair, almost as pale as a dead body! She starts walking slowly towards me. As she comes closer, i realize something : those aren't just lines and circles in red on her dress ; that are streaks and large drops of.....of BLOOD. There's blood even on her face! She's at about a half-arm distance from me and slowly lifts her head. The look on her was deadly. She had soft pink lips and deep blood-red eyes that seemed to be filled to the tip ; with grudge. Yet, I felt that there was love in her eyes.--

--I couldn't think straight. Wether i should run or i should shout. Or wether i should shove the girl and beat the crap outta that girl. But i was frozen. Frozen like a statue. I couldn't move a bit. She kept those deadly red eyes fixed on me as I started choking. Some kind of force was squeezing my neck. I.....i couldn't breathe properly. And.....and those eyes seemed vengeful. She walked over to me and bent over me as i lay , taking my last gasps for air. She ran her bloody fingers through my hair. The girl giggled as she saw the freaked out expression on my face. After that, I could hear her soft, innocent voice whisper to me.--

~~" It's alright.... Anyways, Thank you for taking care of my phone and allowing me to take your soul. I am very grateful to you as you, the last one, have helped me break away from this curse. Oh and I still love you a lot !! Arigatō! "~~

--For some reason, i felt that this girl resembled my last girlfriend, Rika, who died two years ago, right after i came to Yokohama.--

After she said that , she smiled at me. It was last smile , the last warm smile, I ever saw.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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