Chapter one (Teaser)

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(((())))------Your POV------(((())))
I sat on my bed it was (color) and all of the pillows except one were white/black the one that wasn't was a rainbow one. Yup rainbow I always knew I was gay but refused to tell my parents, not that it would matter my parents NEVER let me out of the house.

I sighed my personal teacher just left and Aaron should be on his way home . 'I can't wait to see him' I thought to myself. I appreciate my mom and dad for trying to keep me from hurting others but I just want to experience the life Aaron gets. I sighed looking back at my phone the only other friend I had besides Aaron was SP.

          she was my shield on this game Aaron and I played she would always protect me. I actually developed feelings for her...sadly I can't meet her I don't even know her real name. I rolled onto the floor full of boredom when I heard the door open.

I smiled widely going downstairs to see who it was praying it was Aaron. I looked at the door to see the black haired brother I know loved. I jumped up and hugged him. "How was school!" I asked happy to see him he chuckled "same old same I did meet a stupid potato" I smirked "do you like her?" I asked like a shipper he blushed "w-well but don't tell Melissa, mom, or dad you know what they'll do" I smiled sweetly "your secrets safe with me bro bro." He sighed in relief. I heard a car pull up causing me to frown.

----////Aaron's POV////----
I noticed (name) frowning. I felt bad for her since we were little. Wait I've got an idea "don't worry (name) I got an idea" she looked up at me yup she was a little shorter but still a Kawaii~potato. "What is it Alfa?"

Yeah I forgot about that...I became the Alfa because I was born 5minutes before (name) that made her beta. "I'm gonna sneak us outta here" I smirked her eyes lit up like fairy lights. I smiled then the door handle turned. Sh!t I nodded to (name).

----()()Your POV()()----
I nodded back to Aaron and we made a break for kitchen there was no way Melissa was getting the last cookie. "Split it?" He asked being the bully I am I took the cookie and ran around the counter with him chasing me I heard the door open but didn't care I kept running.

"What are you two doing" I heard our older sister ask. I was about to answer when Aaron tackled me. I split the cookie in half and gave him one. I did this because if I didn't he would've tickled me to death. He laughed and so did I. Melissa shrugged and walked over to the cookie jar 'ah shite' I thought my eyes widen so did Aaron's. And with that we ran.

We ran until we were in the safety of our rooms. They were across from each other. I looked at the safety of my (color) walls and Lucy Fairy Tail poster. I locked my door so Mel couldn't get in. 'I cant wait for tonight' I thought I felt all giddy inside.

(((())))Godly time skip((((())))

It was 8:45 I was playing with SP talking about stuff I felt normal it's a feeling I only get talking to her. She was signing off when I heard a knock at my door. I smiled widely pausing the video. I was in a (color) crop top and (color) shorts. I wore some aborcrombie tennis shoes.

I opened my door greeted by my twins smiling face. "You ready" he asked quietly. I nodded we had to make it out as quickly and quietly as possible.

To be continued....yeah this is short but only because it's a teaser so if you like I will continue if you don't...well I'm sorry but I like writing this so I will still continue. X) love you all ❤️ ❤️ Bai 🍪 🍪 🍪

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