8: Seeing You Again

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Urahara: will you accept me?

Niko: kisuke...

Urahara: I know you like hitsugaya toshiro more. You love him. But you're sad because you can't have him. Isn't it? Then how about choosing me?

Niko: .... But you're my group leader.

Urahara: that doesn't mean it's not possible. I know you like me to  a certain extent. Just give me a chance.

Niko: but... I might end up using you as a replacement for hitsugaya.

Urahara: it's ok . I'm fine with it. Maybe there would be one day you'll only look at me.

Niko: kisuke.....

Urahara: if you accept me, then call me urahara.

Niko: I don't know...

Urahara: don't you want to feel better?

Niko: if I like you... I will feel better?

Urahara: better than now.

" Then ok... " You hugged him " urahara."


Urahara: what are you thinking about? Niko.

Niko: matsuri. It's coming up. Tomorrow.

Matsuri = festival

Urahara: you have a shift on patrolling I remember. To divert yourself from thinking of hitsugaya having a good time.

Niko: I hope he has a good time with hinamori. And hope he doesn't...

Urahara: I have found someone to cover your shift. Let's go on that matsuri. Date.

Niko: date...

Urahara: so you'll look at me and think of me.

Niko: urahara... ok...

Urahara bought you takoyaki and taiyaki. He involuntarily smiled at the smile you had on your face. At this moment... You felt that this was perfect. Maybe urahara was enough for you. You didn't have to be greedy. You looked to him " urahara... Maybe... You're enough for me."

Urahara : is that so?

When Toshiro walked in front of your eyes. Right beside him stood hinamori.  They were smiling as they walked. A wave of insecurity overcame you. You turned around to face away. Urahara hugged you " Niko... "

Niko: I don't want to see...

But toshiro spotted you and walked over " oh. Kisuke. Hi. Niko. I haven't seen you... " He noticed that you were acting weirdly . " A long time..." He continued. He couldn't tell what was wrong. But there was something weird about you facing away. He had to ask you " daijobu? Niko. "

You clenched onto urahara's clothes. Urahara helped you to answer " yea... Fine. "

Toshiro: why didn't you come to find me?

1) Turn around and answer

2) Continue facing away and proceeded to hiding behind urahara.

1) Turn around and answer

You took a deep breath in " I... I was busy. "

Toshiro: I see.

Toshiro pov:

I could tell. That was an excuse she made. Something bad happened to her. I don't know what... But it made her not want to see me anymore. What happened...

It hurt my heart to see her like that. Scared of me. But I don't want to hurt her more. So I didn't ask.

" Have a good night then. "  And I left. I couldn't help but to want to stray my eyes off to her. But she was no longer in my sights anymore. Like how she wasn't in my life anymore recently...

What happened... ?

Third pov:

Urahara: he's gone now.

You turned around to hug urahara " can we go home now? "

Urahara: um. Sure.


2) Continue facing away and proceeded to hiding behind urahara.

Urahara: gomen. She's a bit shy.

Hinamori: shy... You are...

Urahara: urahara kisuke . I'm her boyfriend.

Toshiro pov:

Boyfriend... I never knew that. She never told me. Or did she get one in the time she wasn't in my sights after she came back.  That was how long she hadn't come to see me.

I clenched my fist ... Boyfriend... Lover. I wanted to be that...

Toshiro: Niko. Daijobu? I'm hitsugaya.

Not even a response. She just hid behind kisuke.

I could tell. That was an excuse she made. Something bad happened to her. I don't know what... But it made her not want to see me anymore. What happened...

It hurt my heart to see her like that. Scared of me. But I don't want to hurt her more. So I didn't ask.

" Have a good night then. "  And I left. I couldn't help but to want to stray my eyes off to her. But she was no longer in my sights anymore. Like how she wasn't in my life anymore recently...

What happened... ?

Third pov:

Urahara: he's gone now.

You turned around to hug urahara " can we go home now? "

Urahara: um. Sure.

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