Chapter 4

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"Tickets please," monotonously requested the chubby ticket guy. You could tell he just LOVED his job. Not.

Danielle, Tori, Reilly, and Kylie handed over their tickets and once their recieved the ticket stubs back, they headed into the small building. They had been the first in line, but when they entered, the room was still abuzz with random conversations of the crew.

There were still 30 minutes left until the actual concert began, to which Danielle shouted "THIS IS THE LONGEST HALF HOUR OF MY LIFE! I AM A VERY IMPATIENT PERSON!" A few crew members stopped what they were doing and stared at her. She quickly pointed at Reilly, as if to pass the blame to her. Reilly thought about denying it, but just shrugged it off instead.

Kylie had wandered off and found their seats, second row, right in front of center stage. She waved them over, but they were too excited to sit, so they all just awkwardly stood around in a semi-circle, fangirling over the concert to come. They were leaning against the stage when a group of 5 or 6 professionally-dressed ladies and gentlemen approached them.

The tallest of them spoke first. "Excuse me, but you're in our way," she said pointing to the front row seats directly in front of the girls' seats. Danielle and her friends weren't even that close to being in their way, so you could tell these snobs just wanted to be jerks.

Tori curtsied in sarcasm saying in a mock servant voice "pardon our interference ma'am."

One of the males in the pretentious group took a step forward to intimidate the group of friends. Danielle, still hyped up on adrenaline, took a step foward as well as to say that she wasn't scared of some pretentious snobs. When she didn't back away, the snobs decided it wasn't worth their trouble, and the turned toward their seats and sat down. They stayed sitting the entire concert, talking not-so-quietly amongst themselves.

However, the friends would not let these jerks ruin their concert experience. They were finally here, together, and it would be the greatest day of their fangirl life.


By now the guys were all backstage preparing for the concert in T-minus 15 minutes. Ryan inserted the sparkly silver earpiece into his ears while Nash made sure the amps were on the correct settings. Ian was off talking to Maggie, as he often did before shows. Jamie was sitting on a box rhythmically tapping his jeans with his hands.

Jason came up to the three guys excitedly saying "Alright Hot Chelle Rae! Are you ready!?" then noticing Ian wasn't there, asked "Oh wait, where's Ian?"

Jamie responded, "Oh he left."

Nash quickly explained, "Well he didn't leave, he just went outside for a bit to talk to Maggie. He'll be back in a few."

Jason had Cameron run outside and grab Ian. Once Ian was back in the group, Jason continued with his pep rally.

"Alright boys! We have a full house of 200 people!"

They had played bigger, much bigger, but smaller crowds were always so humbling, so they guys were hyped.

"Everything is set and ready to go! Just remember to have fun, be yourself, and have fun tonight tonight!" Jason giggled (a manly giggle of course) at his own pun. The members of HCR didn't join in his laughter, as they had heard this WAY too many times before. But they smiled nonetheless at his childish excitement.

Jason's walkie talkie squawked. After listening in, Jason said "Alright! You're on in 5! Places everyone!"


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