wolvampainia chapter 1

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Hi my name is Alice Salvatore. I live with my brother and mom in Williamsburg. I thought I was human until my unfortunate powers showed up last night when I found my pillows on fire. My mom told me about my dad who I never saw until today for the first time.


Mom- your father is coming to pick you up and take you somewhere you’ll be safe

Alice-mom I don’t want to go (tears swelling up in my eyes and voice shaking)

Mom- you have too


Mom-because (in a stern voice) if you don’t the wolves will sniff you out and they will do everything in their power to keep you away from the carnation

Alice- (in a curious voice) mom what’s carnation

Mom- it’s the night when vampires evolve and receive their full powers and……… also when wolves ……………………. receive their full powers.

Alice-what’s gonna happen to Joshua?????(Concerned voice)

Mom- (stern voice) you don’t study that…….. I’ll take care of them

Mom-by the way if you see you big brother Jeremy……………………………………………………………………………………………………stay away from him                        He’s a wolf


You’re kidding right

Mom- do I look like I’m kidding

Alice-oh oh

Car horn honks as a long limo pulls up in front of our house

A man dress in all black stepped out and opened the car door

Then I saw my dad and a young boy around my age come out of the car

My dad came up to me and stretched out his hand for a hand shake but I just looked at his hand and turned away.

Alice-(in an angry, stern, cold and tearful voice) I hate you!!!!!!! How can you call yourself a father!!!! You have never been in my life,,,,,, you never gave me a cent to pay for my school things,,,,,,, You never laid one piece of clothes on my back ,,,,,,you never put one loaf of bread on this table but you show up here and call yourself a father!!!!!!!!??????!!!You have never been in my life for 14 years and here you show up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never needed you, I don’t need you now, and I never will need you!!!!!!!!! How can you live with yourself???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!?

Mom-Alice!!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!!?  Go up to your room, change your clothes and pack your things this instant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alice- fine (in a calm voice)

BANG the door was slammed closed

Then there was a loud scream from the bedroom

Mom-would you like to come inside?

Dad-yes thank you

When they got inside and sat at the kitchen table mom offered them tea

Mom-I’m so sorry for Alice’s rude behavior ……………………………………………..it’s just that you haven’t been around

Then there was a stamped down the stairs, Joshua appeared.

He ran up to dad and gave him a big hug.

Joshua- I missed you

Dad- I missed you too

Mom- be a darling and go help your sister pack her bags

Joshua- I went already …………………….. Her doors locked and the music is extra loud

Mom sighed

Mom- go upstairs and do something constructive until I come up

Joshua went upstairs jollier than ever before

 Mom- who is this young gentleman here

Dad- this is my………………………………………………………..son Jacob

Mom-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (but you could hear the anger in her voice)

How old is he

Dad- 15

Mom- ummmmmhhhhhmmmmm

Jacob-nice to meet you mama  

Mom- nice to meet you too (forcing a smile upon her face)

Mom-aaalice ……….. Get down here this instant

I came down the steps with Joshua helping me with my suitcases

Dad-you look beautif GCO

Alice- save it (in a mean voice)

Dad- well then let’s go

I hugged my mom and brother

I turned and got out of the house and into the limo

Tears of sorrow streamed down my face as we drove off.

Dad-Why the tears

I was silent

Dad-okay then we’ll stay quiet

Alice-thank you                                                            (next chapter coming soon)

wolvampainia chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now