Turning the tables (15)

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*A few days later*

"Good afternoon, lovelies." Lauren walked into the food court greeting her friends and co-workers. She was all smiley, exulting joy. Curious glances fell on her.

"Hmmm, I think someone had a good dose of sex last night." Lily guessed mischievously, causing everyone at the table to laugh.

Lauren's cheeks blushed, and she avoided looking at her friends.

"Or she will have tonight." Molly added, exchanging a mischievous glance with Lily, who was laughing at the brunette's shyness. "There are rumors that the sexy British singer is coming to town tonight." She teased her friend even more, and Lauren felt like sliding down her chair and hide under the table.

"Alright, girls. That's enough." David intervened before the two women embarrassed Lauren even more. The boy dragged his chair closer to the brunette, hugging her sideways and pulling her head to his chest, stroking her hair affectionately. "Don't listen to those perverts, they love to embarrass people."

Molly and Lily brought their hands to their chests, in a clear sign of fake indignation. Chris, who had just sat down, narrowed his eyes at his friends, not understanding what was going on.

"Are you messing with Lauren or something?" Chris asked, and David nodded his head. The blond tsked and laughed. "You didn't even wait for me, I thought we were all friends."

Lauren looked up and stared at the blond in disbelief. Chris pretended to not notice the brunette's surprised look.

"That's what you call friendship? That's why I like David, he doesn't mess with me and he always protects me from you three." Lauren wrapped her arms around David's waist; who grinned as he hugged her back.

Chris, Molly and Lily shrugged, pretending not to care.

They were all talking and laughing nonstop, the food court was very lively that day. It was always a pleasant environment, despite the people who time or another rushed from one side to the other to get some part of the set ready, or fix the costumes or something else. The four stars were so focused on their conversation that they didn't even notice that a few people around had fell silent and were staring at a certain someone.

"But what the..." Chris looked around, rather curious as he noticed the people around him staring at the same place. He widened his eyes in surprise when he saw what had caught everyone's attention.

"What happened?" Molly asked curiously, taking another bite on one of her French fries. The redhead turned around, trying to find out the reason for the blond's surprised look. Her mouth fell open when she finally saw what was happening; Camila was talking to Simon near the door, the man was gesturing frantically in search of answers and the Latina was trying to explain something. But that wasn't what caught everyone's attention, but rather Camila's bandaged wrist.

"Did she break her wrist?" Lily asked, trying to figure out what might have happened; her friends were as curious as she was, worried about the Latina.

Lauren turned her attention away from her phone and noticed her friends looking at the door. She turned her head to the side and was startled to see Camila and Camila's bandaged wrist.

Was she in an accident?, the brunette wondered in thought, somewhat worried. Even if she had argued with Camila and was trying not to care about her, her protective side was stronger, she was never the type of person who cared less about others just because they weren't on good terms, no matter who it was. She knew how irresponsible the Latina could be and she wouldn't be surprised if Camila had been in some kind of accident, but she ruled out the possibility of it being a car accident, since there had been no news in the media.

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