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Max's POV

I wish I could free her even though she doesn't look really bothered,  She doesn't know what she's into but I feel she's strong and beautiful she'll do.

As I was strolling down the hallway I met Damian cleaning his shoes in front or his room.

"Hey bro, Good morning" I said as I entered into his room.
"Oh, hey what's up with your sister, is she cool? Don't try anything stupid you were sold as she was sold so keep calm" Damian said trying to ready mind.

"Yeah, I know that" I said walking out of the room. I don't  want to her to know I'm her brother.

As I strolled down the hallway. I heard some voices underground as if there was about to be a fight.

I ran swiftly down the stairs only for me to see Fernandez. Not that bastard again. Fernandez used to be the son of the late owner of the Mansion before he was disowned.

Before his father died, (even though he was suspected to have killed his own father), his father willed the mansion to me and Damian on the account that we'll never sell it nor let Fernandez live in with us.

He also gave us a stern warning that no matter what we must continue doing the work he was doing while he was alive.

Well, with Damian being the eldest he was put in charge and since them we've been working our butts off.

Present time.

"What are you doing here?". I asked Fernandez as I waved the guard men aside.

"My good ol' friend I'm not here to see you I'm only here to check our the new girl that was brought in here yesterday. Is she your bitch, because last time I checked you and Damian never had anything to do with girls you're both gay".

As I heard his last statement, I sent a punch rushing down his face as I watched him stagger and try to keep his balance.

"Get out of here right now before I make you lose your life" I said as I was already fuming.

"I'll be back". He said as he cleaned his bleeding nose. In watched him walk out of the house through the second gate.

That's one thing with Fernandez, he is weak and stupid but he could really be obnoxious when it comes to female issues.

I tried shaking Fernandez scenario off my brain as I remembered my sister. Today, Damian will show her her room.

As far as I'm concerned she'll really love it in here when she gets to see the way I designed the room. When we were very young I could remember how she used to mention blue, pink and orange as her best colors in the world and then I designed the room exactly the sane colors.

I'm still confused, I don't think she even remembers that she used to have a big brother whichever way it goes. I'll always watch her  back.

I kept thinking out loud as I went to grab my breakfast so when I finish eating maybe I'll go check up on her.

A/N- Please comment I really need them to improve my skills. As it is my first book. Thank you and vote 🙏 please.

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