The First Day of School

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Piper's POV
As I woke up to "My girlfriends bitching cause I always sleep in she's always screaming cause she's calling her friends she's kinda hot though". Looks at the clock "6:00" as you let your alarm continue to play She's Kinda Hot by 5 Seconds of Summer. When the song is finished I finally got out of bed and put on your Nirvana ripped crop top with black ripped skinny jeans and black high top vans. Put some light makeup with a black beanie and then I curled my blonde hair that were down to my stomach. As I hear Logan doing his vlog intro as a plate is smashed. You moved to L.A. with Logan and Jake. And originally I was supposed to live with Jake but with everything going on over there I decided to move in with Logan instead since he had an extra room. (Before Evan moved in). As you hear Logan yell "Piper hurry up before you're late for school"! As I finish fixing my hair I grab my bag then Logan brought me to school. I moved to Los Angeles High School last year and I get my fair share of bullying cause I haven't found my soulmate yet and how my brothers are internet stars. But I do have one person who's been through it all with me, Isaac he didn't find his lover yet so we're like the outcasts of high school but little did I know that was all going to change. As I get out of the car say by to Logan I can already see the group of populars as I put my head down and try to walk fast so they don't see me but nope but they all look at me and Keanna the main bitch that torturers me the most, trips me "watch where you going puker" Keanna says stabbing her heel into my leg. As I stand up now with a limp from her heel. As Isaac joins me "Are you okay I saw Keanna trip you" Isaac says with a concerned face.
"I'm fine it's just when she stepped on me hurt" I said.
The bell rings and I go to my advisory class and sit down in the back.

Mr.Smoot- "Okay class we have a new student his name is Jack Avery".
As a guy with blue curly hair, tattoos covering his body from what I can see with a nose piercing. Wearing a black hoodie with black skinny jeans and checkerboard slip on's.
You just hear little whispers around the class and I hear the girls sitting next to me "he's hot" one goes, "I would change his hair though".

Mr.Smoot- "Take a seat Jack".

He doesn't say anything as he walks towards me looks at the guy sitting next to me which is on of the popular boys Elijah.

Jack- "Move". As Jack says very assertive looking straight at Elijah.

Elijah looks and says "Do you even know who I am"

Jack - you're going to know who I am if you don't move" as he one step forward as he says that.

Elijah - "okay fine but I'm watching you Avery" As he gets up giving him the death glare and finds another seat.
As Jack rolls his eyes and sits down.

Mr.Smoot - "Okay so I need someone to show Jack around to his classes and make him feel welcomed"
After like all the girls raised their hands eager to get with the new guy.
Alena is also one of the populars and she stood up and said "Mr. Smoot I would love to show Jack around".
Mr. Shoot - "I wouldn't do that to Jack"
As Jack gives a little chuckle at Mr.Smoots comment. As Alena looks pissed.

Mr.Smoot - "um Piper you'll be the one who's going to show Jack around"

Me literally the ONLY girl who WASN'T raising their hand. As I have no idea how to reach to this and still trying to process what just happened. As Alena gives me the death glare.

Jack looks at me and smirks. And gives a little laugh cause I was probably blushing so hard then he whispers "we just met and I already have a toll on you". I had no clue what just happened. Then Mr.Smoot gave Jack him a piece of paper.
Jack - "What is this"?
Mr.S - "Your schedule and Piper will show you to your classes".
Me - "Wait does that mean I can be late to my classes?"
Mr.S - "Yes I will email all your teachers today".
Clare who sits in front of me was like "their probably going to go make out in the janitors closet".

I just roll my eyes at this and I see Jack just lokey laughing.
Then the bell rang which meant we had to go to our next class. I walk out of the class with Jack walking next to me.

Me - "Can I see your paper?"
As he gives me the paper and I look at his classes to compare with mine and realized I have 4 classes with him.

Me "I have pe, science, social studies and English with you".
Jack - "Guess your going to be stuck with me for the year".
As I explained to him where all his classes were but I knew he wasn't paying attention but I kept going.

After I finished explaining where his classes are he said
"thank god I got you to show me around instead of that other girl who asked Mr.S".
Me - "Yeah she looked pretty mad after

Jack - "she would have been a pain in the ass if she was showing me around even all the other girls in that class but I actually got the cool girl" as he smirks at

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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