Chapt 12

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~No one's P.O.V~
As you were all walking inside the school the teachers said their goodbyes to you and the others after that you all separated ways you heading classroom when suddenly you saw horror and you waved at him he walked towards you

"(y/n) is it true?"

Horror asks

"what true??"

You asked too tilting your head when you did that horror blushed you raised eyebrow questionable

"t-t-that y-you a-and the o-others h-have a s-slumber p-party a-a-at your h-house?"

Horror said stuttering still blushing then you fixed your head then smiled

"yep! It was fun and sorry if i didnt got to invite you maybe next time i think?"

You said not sure on your last words

"then if your not gonna hold a slumber party..Wanna hang out after school??"

Horror ask

"oh sure!"

You said happily


You replied then Horror put his mask down you were shocked his face you didnt know that you blushed because of his face

"yep!"You replied then Horror put his mask down you were shocked his face you didnt know that you blushed because of his face

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"just the two us"
Your world has stopped out of the cuteness you couldn't take when suddenly you hugged him

"your so fricking cute!!!"

You said,you didnt know what came into you your eyes widened then let go of him seeing your horror friend blushing crazy while you Blushing out of embarrassment

"w-w-well i-i'll s-see y-ya l-later b-bye (y/n)!"

Horror said walking really fast then suddenly you heard squealing you turn around seeing alphys squealing..

"i ship it!"

Alphys said

You didnt know what alph means so you just shrugged it off then walked

~Horror's P.O.V~
"holy sh*t!! she called me cute! I cant believe it!"

i said blushing crazy

"on top of that she hugged me she smelled sweet..And i cant believe she said yes"

I was talking to myself then suddenly the bell rang

"oh shoot im gonna be late for astronomy!"

I said then run of to my classroom

~ your P.O.V~
I checked my schedule


"well today is gonna be a fun day huh?"

I said not too loudly then headed to history the bell rang then the students burst in then sit down then Mr.Night started the lesson were learning today about souls so yea..Me not paying much attention i saw pj..beside me..'When did he got there?' i asked in my thoughts well oh well i poked his skull he groaned i giggled after an hour passed the bell rang pj didnt woke up maybe he didnt sleep well oh well

"pj! Wake up its already 5 years!!"

I said loudly all of the students left then pj woke up he stood up stumbling

"huh what?!"


I laughed

"its already time cmon"

I said walking out of the classroom pj behind me rubbing his eyes

"well see ya later pj!"

I said heading to astronomy class
While i was heading there i saw some blue skele guy and some red skele guy who has a hoodie on the blue guy asked him

I said heading to astronomy classWhile i was heading there i saw some blue skele guy and some red skele guy who has a hoodie on the blue guy asked him

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"red,have you seen my 3D's?"

The blue guy asked him looking away the red guy pretend that he didnt know im guessing the blue guy knows..I giggled then both of them looked at me


I said

"hi th-"

"well i see ya later guys!"

I said smiling at them then suddenly i saw some tint blue on the blue guy's cheek and same as the red guy i shrugged then run to astronomy class

Bohoo! Welp thats all for today
*inhales* boi!

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