Who were you hanging out with?

382 6 16

Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and weed, swearing, brotherly Hobi, motherly Jin, bored Yoongi and some quality reactions from Tae, Jimin and Jungkook. 


Walking home at 2am was definitely not a good idea. Especially when you were a 15 year old girl, had snuck out in the first place and were completely and utterly hammered. You reeked of weed and vodka and you stumbled on the path you were walking on so many times that you tripped a while back and almost got run over.

Making it to the front of your home, you pulled out the house keys and spent a good five minutes trying to figure out how the fuck they worked. Finally, you managed to unlock the door and drag yourself inside. With your eyes closed, you shut the door and aimlessly tried to turn off the lights because they were giving you a huge headache. You groaned; loudly. You couldn't find the light switch. Finally, opening your eyes you were greeted by your seven brothers, all spread out across the front room; eyes wide and jaws slack.

"What the f-" -(Jungkook)

"Jungkook!" -(Namjoon)

 "(Y/N)!" Jin raced over to you, forcefully grabbed your arm and pushed you down on the lounge, right next to Yoongi.

"What the hell, kid?" Yoongi turned his head to face you.

"This is ridiculous! Where were you? We've been up for hours! We thought you were in your room! Why didn't you tell us you left? What have you been doing?" Jin spat out too many questions for your liking. You leaned on your elbows which were propped up on your knees and covered your ears, whining.

"Are you drunk?" Jin finally stated; the only question you could make out.

"How about no you fucking breadstick." You pointed at him with a drunk hand which he grasped and replied with a very clear, stern and angry voice.

"Watch your mouth," Jin threw your hand down. He then proceeded to turn to Namjoon, asking him to bring back a glass of water. He placed the back of his hand on your forehead and then looked disbelievingly at Yoongi. All the while Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok were close together on the other lounge. Yoongi grabbed your left arm (the one closet to him) and brought it up to his nose to sniff. You drunkenly started laughing.

"That tickles, oppa!" You brought your knees up to your chest and began to lean into Yoongi, trying to cuddle up with him. As you tried to place your head on his chest and your feet in his lap, he pushed you knees away so they ended up back on the ground.

"She smells like weed." He casually said with a hint of annoyance. You didn't think much before replying.

"Fuck yeah I do, everyone was smoking." 

"Shut up, don't you dare speak like that. You are so immature Kim (Y/N), you will never be trusted again. That is the most stupidest thing you've done, I thought you were smarter than that." Jin ranted. Still annoyed, angry and sad that his younger sister had been so childish and idiotic.

"I wonder what mum will think of you." Your heart broke. You didn't like it when Jin was angry, he hardly ever got this mad. After being degraded by him and hearing that last sentence, you instantly became the emotionally unstable drunk girl; yeah, that one. Tears ran down your face heavily, it was like you hadn't just been laughing a second ago.

"D-don't te-ell mum," you said in between chokes.

"P-please, o-oppa! D-on't be m-ma-ad at me-e," the hiccuping began.

"I di-didn't mea-ean to. E-e-everyo-one was o-older th-than us a-an-"

"Us?" Jin replied with the same tone as before. Meanwhile, all the other brothers were very obviously startled by your sudden breakdown.

"(B/F/N) a-and I," Jin nodded, gesturing for you to continue. Hoseok moved from the bunch on the other lounge to sit on your other side. He laid a hand on your back and rubbed soothing circles. You rested your head on his shoulder. Slowly, you calmed down along with the hiccuping although you were still sad and scared of Jin.

"Th-they offered us a *hiccup* drink a-and we denied b-but they ke *hiccup* kept offering and w-we got scared so we *hiccup* had a few sh-shots t-to please them a-and we were going to *hiccup* leave b-but they just gave u- *hiccup* us m-more. I di-didn't *hiccup* smo- *hiccup* smoke I sw-swear!" The crying began again and Hoseok pulled you closer to him. You buried your face into his neck, breathing in his scent; a thing you did when sad, scared or anxious.

There was a long silence in which only your muffled cries were heard. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook looked back and forth between you and Jin, also somewhat afraid of what was going to happen. Jin motioned for Yoongi to move over, and sat next to you. He sighed and placed a hand on your knee which made you jump and cling onto Hoseok even more than you already were.

"(Y/N)," Jin started. You choked.

"(Y/N), look at me please." Hoseok leaned down close to your ear and mumbled something no one else heard. You nodded and slowly looked up and over to Jin, still somewhat hiding your face behind your shoulder. Red puffy eyes stared back at him, he felt a slight pang of guilt for some of the things he said.

"I won't tell mum," you let go of Hoseok and instead wrapped your arms around Jin's neck, burying your face in his chest. His hands fell on your back, rubbing you soothingly.

"But don't you ever... do that again." You nodded harshly into his chest and he let out another sigh.

"I'm just glad you're safe." He kissed the top of your head before continuing.

"But you do know that I'm taking away your phone for a bit, right?" A few more tears fell and a hiccup escaped your throat but again, you nodded. Right after you nodded your head, a throbbing pain shot through it. Your hands instantly unlatched from Jin's neck and went straight to your head. A whine left your mouth before Yoongi understood what was happening and raced to get you some aspirin. Arriving back with the pills and taking the cup of water Namjoon had brought back earlier, he handed them to you and helped you take them. He ruffled your hair before falling back down into his spot on the lounge. A relieved sigh left just about everyone's mouth.

"Wait," all siblings head faced Hoseok, confused.

"Who were you hanging out with?" Then all the faces turned to you.

"Yeah, who were you hanging out with?" Jimin repeated.


A/N: Yo yo yo, I'm sorry if this is really shit, I'm not the best at writing in third person which is why I plan to make the other chapters in first or second. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and please leave requests or feedback. Or both. Please.

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