The next day.

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The police investigated the store, patrol cars litter the empty parking lot. Flashing lights gleam in the early morning light.

Carter had already been questioned, and sent home to rest. Jacey received his call, and she went over to see him. She didn't know who wanted Carter dead. But she also wondered the same about her grandma. He held her close, and she didn't want to leave his side. The school was closed as of now, and wouldn't open till the killer or 'killers' were caught.

The town was set to a curfew at ten every night. Unless you had work, you were to be in your house, or you were sent to spend a few nights in jail.

They say watching the movie, hoping The killer was caught. But she had a guy feeling it wasn't even close to being over.

She was right.


Nina pulled into her driveway, wiping the last of running mascara filled tears from her eyes. The talk she had with Mr. Harris, filled her with a unnerving amount of remorse. She turned the engine off, and got out, heading into the house.

She locked the front door, but felt a odd sense of not being alone. Like a million eyes are on her. And she heard a noise. Faint at first. But them became more louder, more clear.

"Love me". Her heart sanked. It belonged to Derek. She knew that voice anywhere. She knew she heard it. It came from her bedroom.

She slowly approached the door. Cautiously looking back and forth, as if someone would pop out. As she entered the room, She saw a familiar figure, robed, pickaxe at his side. She enters, and The figure looks at her. She expected to see the giraffe mask, only there wasn't One. Instead what she saw was a face. A face she knew well, Derek's face.

"Why can't you just love me"? His voice was haunting. She staggered back, her feet tied in knots. She fall out of her room, and straight down the staircase. She hits the floor with a thud, and she layed there motionless.

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