I had to sleep at my fam house because I could not walk back to kanto with no sleep. So I sleep in my old room which also ment going to SCHOOL!!! Mom~wake up time for bacon. My head immediately shot up to remember how good my mom's bacon is.
So I got dressed and did my hair so I could have my mom's beckfest.when I was done I rushed downstairs to have beckfest. Mom you make the best beckfest.mom~thanks suger I do my best to make it perfect.
So I got on the bus Amanda was at the stop. Amanda~hey sky did you see that Shady white van? Ya I did. Why? Amanda~ I was asking because there was a Crime in that van. What are you serious!? Amanda~Ya something about an abuse problem and someone had a knife.
The bus pulls up, the door opens and a creepy bus driver looks at them. Um is I just me or is that guy creepy? Amanda~ Yes I believe so. He is so creepy I think he is that Killer from the van. Bus driver~GET IN RIGHT NOW! (Both say ok)
Later on the bus..... So do you really think he is the killer? Amanda~I don't know it makes since but probably not. I'm happy I can come to school again. Amanda~ Ya were did you go after your b-day? I became a trainer. Remember that I told you that I would be a trainer? Amanda~Oh yes I remember now.
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This is us at school we love candy. So are you still wondering if that bus driver is mabye the killer. Amanda~Yes very much so because he was yelling at us like he had just done something wrong.
After 3 classes it was time for lunch. Amanda~How was school was it fun? Amanda I have only been gone for like 7 months. Amanda~I know that it just that it has been so crazy since you left. What why? Amanda~What I mean is... (Speaker interupts)Hello students, I have nodiced that bullying has been getting worse so are old friend Sky is back I believe. *whole school gasps* Yes I do know that she has done some bad things in the past but now she will be helping us. WHAT!? I need to talk to that stupid principal.
Later.... I can't help you principal carter! P.carter~ and why is that? The reason it is like that is that I came to see my family and I had to spend the night because I could not walk to the pokemon center in kanto. P.carter~Well I will be talking to your mother because I don't believe you. How can you not believe me I told you that when I turned 10 I would be a trainer so it would not be all confusing.